
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is at the same time one of the most prevalent and the most controversial mental disorder of childhood. This chapter aims to discuss some doubts and myths families frequently have about Attention- -Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The authors provide simple ways for pe- diatricians, family doctors and mental health professionals in Low-Middle Income Countries (LMIC) to translate current scientific knowledge about the disorder to fa- milies using examples in an accessible language. Following a search of the scientific literature and Internet sites for patients with ADHD and their families, ten most frequent doubts and myths about ADHD were identified and are listing as follows: 1. ADHD is not a real disorder, everybody has a bit of it! 2. There are no brain abnormalities or dysfunction in ADHD. 3. How can a child who spends hours focused in a videogame have ADHD? Isn’t ADHD just a new name for laziness or lack of willpower? 4. ADHD is a disorder caused by demands of the modern society. 5. How can my child have ADHD if he/she is not hyperactive? 6. Is ADHD my fault for not giving enough discipline to my child? 7. ADHD only occurs in children. TALKING ABOUT ADHD WITH PATIENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES Luis Augusto Rohde Olayinka Olusola Omigbodun Manfred Gerlach Yi Zheng 6

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