The World Federation of ADHD Guide 111 8. How about the future? Will my child always will have ADHD? 9. Children with ADHD are less intelligent. 10. Children who take ADHD medication are more likely to abuse drugs when they become teenagers. Pediatricians, family doctors, mental health professionals in LMIC are overloaded with clinical work, making it difficult for them to have enough time during appoint- ments with patients with ADHD to fully address their concerns and doubts about the disorder. However, not addressing these issues poses a great risk for treatment adherence. A robust literature documents that compliance with medical recommen- dations depend on clear understanding about the disorder, risks of treatment and no treatment. 1 Since patients with ADHD might have some symptoms like forgetfulness and impulsivity and personal traits like high risk-taking that interfere even more with treatment adherence, addressing their doubts is essential. Otherwise, they are left to get information about the disorder from the Internet and/or lay media and this does not always portray ADHD adequately. 2 However, exceptions that can be shared with families as seen on website with link. At the end of this chapter, several ways we and others describe ADHD to patients and families are presented. However, let’s begin by addressing the 10 myths/fre- quent doubts! THE 10 MYTHS/FREQUENT DOUBTS ABOUTADHD ADHD IS NOT A REAL DISORDER? EVERYBODY HAS A LITTLE BIT OF IT! Probably there is no month without a report in one of the major newspapers/ma- gazines worldwide or TV shows portraying ADHD as a disorder that is not real, or as a condition invented by the pharmaceutical industry to sell medication. Several Link in this https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=YsREaxPHlZU
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