
The World Federation of ADHD Guide 3 Figure 1.1 (A) ADHD in the siblings of ADHD and control children; (B) ADHD in the mothers of ADHD and control children; (C) ADHD in the fathers of ADHD and control children. 50 Control ADHD 40 30 20 10 0 Welner, 1977 Manshadi, 1983 Biederman, 1990 Faraone, 1992 ADHD Control Nigg, 2004 Schachar, 2001 Faraone, 2000 Faraone, 1992 Frick, 1992 Schachar, 1990 Blederman, 1990 Cantwell, 1972 Morrison, 1971 0 10 20 30 40 50 ADHD Control Nigg, 2004 Schachar, 2001 Faraone, 2000 Faraone, 1992 Frick, 1992 Biederman, 1990 Schachar, 1990 Cantwell, 1972 Morrison, 1970 0 10 20 30 40 50 A B C

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