
The World Federation of ADHD Guide 77 yy Elementary, middle school and high school students: 1. Extended time for completing timed tests or examinations (usually 1.5 of the usual) 2. A minimally-distracting environment in which to take the exam. 3. Alternate seating of the student in the classroom, e.g. closer to teacher 4. Use of a calculator for math or computer for written work 5. More frequent reports from school to home, possibly daily report forms 6. Behavioral interventions such as point system to reinforce good behavior yy College or university students: 1. Extended time for completing timed tests or examinations (usually 1.5 of the usual) 2. A minimally-distracting environment in which to take the exam. 3. Access to power point presentations offered in class or a copy of lecture notes. 4. Permission to record lectures so the student can prepare more adequate notes. 5. Peer notetaker to provide notes of lectures to supplement the student’s notes. Extended time for taking tests and exams is the most frequently requested ac- commodation among students with ADHD and/or other learning problems. Some students with ADHD tend to rush too quickly as they take tests, as though the goal were to finish as quickly as possible. Yet many, though not all, students with ADHD need to work slowly and have great difficulty in demonstrating what they have learned when they are tested under tight time limits. Often, they need to re-read passages of text repeatedly in order fully to grasp what the exam question is asking for. On math tests, those with ADHD often need more than the usual time to go back and check their calculations so they can correct careless errors or possible mi- sunderstanding of the problem due to their not paying enough attention to details. Likewise, many with ADHD need extended time for tests that require written expression. They may have good ideas about what to write, what information to provide, but many with ADHD have much difficulty in organizing their informa- tion and in translating their thoughts into sentences and paragraphs. EMPLOYMENTACCOMMODATIONS FOR ADULTS WITH ADHD Some adults with ADHD need accommodations in their work setting to help com- pensate for their impairments of executive function and to protect them from dis- crimination based on their disability. Some governments have laws that prohibit

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