viii Preface Fourth, our book focuses on what LMIC professionals need to know about “ the essentials ” for diagnosing and managing ADHD in their daily clinical work. For this reason, we decided for a book with 6 chapters translating what is most relevant when assessing and caring those affected by the disorder and their families, while also including some basic information about epidemiology and risk factors. Fifth, this book was designed and written by an international team for an inter- national audience. We were very fortunate to have a team of wonderful investiga- tors and clinicians with a long track of experience in different aspects of ADHD writing these six chapters. Our profound gratitude to: David Coghill, Dennis van der Meer, Desiree Silva, Francisco R. de la Peña Olvera, Jennifer Richards, Lino Palacios Cruz, Olayinka Olusola Omigbodun, Philip Asherson, Ryan J. Kennedy, Thomas E. Brown, Tobias Banaschewski, Wai Chen e Yi Zheng. We are proud to highlight that we had in our team representatives from all continents reinforcing the worldwide mandate of our Federation and our respect for diversity. This book was only possible based on the partnership with our publisher, Artes Médicas that easily and immediately understood the relevance of this proposal and efficiently worked to make it possible. They are also making available with reasonable prices both a printed and an e-version of the book in Portuguese. Our special thanks to the producing team and more specifically to Claudia Bittencourt who worked closely with us in this initiative, making the process smooth and ef- fective. We are confident that the World Federation ADHD book will be useful clini- cally for a substantial proportion of health care professionals in LMICs dealing with patients with ADHD. Moreover, we hope that, at the end of the day, ADHD will be more adequately recognized in these countries and that the suffering of these patients and their families will be mitigated by evidence-based interventions that would be feasible to implement in this context. Luis Augusto Rohde Jan K. Buitelaar Manfred Gerlach Stephen V. Faraone (Editors)
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