
76 Rohde, Buitelaar, Gerlach & Faraone also offer some commiseration when the homework burden is especially heavy or boring. Some parents find it works better for them to arrange to have a tutor help their student with homework in subject areas where the parent lacks the time or infor- mation needed to be helpful. The tutor may be a slightly older student, a neighbor or another family member who has the patience and ability to support the student without being overbearing. If the family can afford it, parents may want to hire a professional tutor. It is often frustrating for parents as they try to help their child with ADHD manage homework. Especially as the son or daughter enters adolescence and is struggling to feel and act more independently, parents need to try to manage a re- asonable balance between doing enough to support their young student effectively while also trying to avoid excessive “micromanaging” of homework and routines in ways that create excessive resistance or encourage “learned helplessness” and excessive dependency. SCHOOL, COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITYACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH ADHD ADHD-related Impairments of executive function cause some students with ADHD and/or learning disorders to struggle with requirements in their schooling. Even if they are quite bright and taking medication for ADHD, these students may be unable adequately to demonstrate what they are learning unless allowed special accommodations in class requirements or test-taking procedures. This may be due to slow processing speed, inattention to details, impulsive responding, and/ or impaired working memory. Some countries such as the U.S. have laws or other regulations that require spe- cific accommodations for such students once they have adequate documentation of their disability. Some other governments do not currently offer such legal pro- tections. Clinicians should learn what accommodations are mandated for students in the country where they practice and what documentation is needed to establish eligibility. Some countries and some examinations used in many nations require docu- mentation such as standardized IQ and achievement testing to establish eligibility for accommodations for testing. If legal protections are not mandated, clinicians and parents may be able to negotiate specific accommodations with teachers or officials in a given school, college or university to obtain needed accommodations for specific deserving students. Thomas Brown 15 has summarized possible accommodations that may be help- ful for students with ADHD:

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