ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

23 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, 19 May 2023 P-04-010 Internet gaming disorder within an adult ADHD population: Prevalence and symp- tom severity M. van Kernebeek, Belgium A. Vanfleteren, F. Matthys, C. Crunelle P-04-011 Relationships between parental ADHD and offspring adverse outcomes H. Yao, Sweden M. Zhou, E. Pettersson, H. Larsson, Z. Chang P-05 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Epidemiology III Chair: A. Scheres, The Netherlands P-05-001 National prevalence rate of ADHD and its comorbidity among children group age 6-7 and 10-12 years A. Al-Ansari, Bahrain M. Al-Medfa, K. Al-Roomi P-05-002 Psychological health and quality of life among ultra-orthodox mothers of chil- dren with ADHD: Impact of occupational experiences J. Budman, Israel H. Grinvald, A. Maeir P-05-003 The lived experience of mothering a child with ADHD in the ultra-orthodox com- munity J. Budman, Israel A. Maeir P-05-004 Are parents' neglectful behaviors to chil- dren a possible cause of neurodevelop- mental disorders? I. Insa, Spain F. Melgarejo, L. Gonzalez Vallespi, M. Joga, I. Rueda, M. Ribas Siñol P-05-005 ADHD symptoms in university students before and during COVID-19 R. Nicolai, The Netherlands Y. Groen, A. Fuermaier, N. Börger, S. Mohamed, M. Garcia-Pimenta, G. Gaastra P-05-006 ADHD in girls and women: Age at diagnosis C. Skoglund, Sweden D. Leksell, I. Sundström Poromaa, T. Cars, K. Ekholm Selling, L. Andersson, M. Giacobini, S. Young, H. Kopp Kallner P-05-007 Attention deficit or dynamic advantage?: An investigation among high ranked ath- letes H. Slama, Belgium J. Hrabovecky, P. Magalhães De Saldanha da Gama P-05-008 Patient, carer and primary healthcare professional perspectives on physical health risks in ADHD: A UK survey study J. Ward, United Kingdom K. Becker, A. Price, T. Newlove-Delgado P-05-009 Maternal gestational weight gain and off- spring's neurodevelopmental outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis D. Wu, The Netherlands Y. Li, L. Chen, M. Klein, B. Franke, J. Chen, J. Buitelaar P-06 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Diagnosis: adults Chair: W. Retz, Germany P-06-001 Credibility assessment of ADHD symp- toms: Development and validation of new validity indices embedded in the conners' adult ADHD rating scales M. Becke, The Netherlands L. Tucha, M. Weisbrod, S. Aschenbrenner, O. Tucha, A. Fuermaier P-06-002 Self-Report version of the German strengths and weaknesses of ADHD symp- toms and normal behavior SWAN-Scale F. Blume, Germany L. Buhr, J. Kühnhausen, R. Köpke, L. Weber, A. Fallgatter, T. Ethofer, C. Gawrilow P-06-003 Cognitive underperformance in a large sample of individuals referred for diag- nostic neuropsychological evaluation of adult ADHD H. Dong, The Netherlands J. Koerts, M. Pijnenborg, N. Scherbaum, B. Müller, A. Fuermaier P-06-004 Does the personality assessment inventory "Inattention Index" differentiate post- secondary students with ADHD from other treatment-seeking students? A. Harrison, Canada B. Pollock, I. Armstrong P-06-005 Validation of the test of attention distrac- tion in identifying non-credible ADHD in diagnosis-seeking postsecondary students A. Harrison, Canada I. Armstrong, B. Pollock

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