ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

24 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, 19 May 2023 P-06-006 Does the proposed personality assess- ment inventory ADHD scale differentiate postsecondary students with ADHD from other treatment-seeking students? A. Harrison, Canada I. Armstrong, B. Pollock P-06-007 The segregation of emotion dysregulation in adults with ADHD from the comor- bid status of major depressive disorder: Evidence from resting-state functional connectivity of the amygdala subregions Q. Liu, China M. Pan, S. Zhang, F. Si, M. Zhao, M. Dong, H. Li, Y. Wang, Q. Qian, L. Liu P-06-008 Factor structure of a computer aided neuropsychological test battery and clinical symptoms in candidates for the assessment of adult ADHD B. Müller, Germany M. Abdel-Hamid, R. Bauer, L. Brotte, S. Dehghan-Vratonjic, G. Gabar, N. Lyons, T. Zwarg, A. Fuermaier, N. Scherbaum P-06-009 Modernizing ADHD assessment C. Nicholls, USA D. Segura P-06-010 Can descriptions of the patterns of atten- tion help with the recognition of ADHD in adults? A. Poulton, Australia D. Babajanyan P-06-011 Artificial intelligence assists with ADHD assessment: Detecting symptoms in texts and generating new test items J. Stipl, The Netherlands P-06-012 Continuous performance tests as em- bedded validity indicators in the clinical evaluation of adult ADHD P. Toptas, The Netherlands Y. Groen, G. Gaastra, A. Fuermaier P-06-013 Lost diagnoses? A multi-year trajectory of patients with ADHD in the criminal justice system in Switzerland M. Van Wijnkoop, Switzerland H. Wyler, A. Smith, A. Buadze, M. Liebrenz P-06-015 Attention deficit disorder vs ADHD: Hyperactivity in males and females with ADHD R. Wettstein, The Netherlands G. Dumont P-06-016 Multimodal assessment of adult ADHD symptoms using virtual reality A. Wiebe, Germany B. Aslan, K. Kannen, B. Selaskowski, S. Lux, U. Ettinger, A. Philipsen, N. Braun P-07 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Diagnosis: children and adolescents I Chair: T. Banaschewski, Germany P-07-001 Convergent validation and diagnostic per- formance of a new executive function- ing behavior scale in identifying children with ADHD: A population-based study R. Arruda, Brazil P. Custódio D’Amico, L. Marques, L. Anunciação, M. Arruda P-07-002 Diagnostic observation schedule of dys- regulated behaviors during parent-child and examiner-child interaction M. Bierens, The Netherlands A. Huberts-Bosch, W. Matthys, J. Buitelaar, C. Hartman, N. Lambregts-Rommelse P-07-003 Objective measures of core ADHD symp- toms in children and young people in naturalistic settings: A scoping review C. Kelman, United Kingdom J. Thompson Coon, O. Ukoumunne, D. Moore, R. Gudka, E. Bryant, A. Russell P-07-004 Meta-modernising the concept of ADHD: Addressing the current mismatch be- tween tools and concepts for assessing neurodiversity F. Labra-Spröhnle, New Zealand G. Smith, H. Ahammer, C. Postlethwaite, I. Liu, M. Frean, P. Teesdale-Spittle P-07-005 Beyond performance-measures of execu- tive functions to detect ADHD malinger- ing: A preliminary report of two localized predictive models from New Zealand and Turkey F. Labra-Spröhnle, New Zealand G. Smith, H. Ahammer, C. Postlethwaite, I. Liu, H. Ö ğ ütlü, S. Atasoy, U. Tekeo ğ lu, Ö. Üneri, P. Teesdale-Spittle P-07-006 Consent for ADHD assessments: Do young people want to be referred for assess- ment of ADHD? E. Manning, United Kingdom O. McGowan P-07-007 A predictive model approach for assessing executive function patterns in ADHD: An open science replication trial H. Ögütlü, Turkey S. Atasoy, U. Tekeo ğ lu, M. Ka ş ak, Ö. Üneri, H. Ahammer, C. Postlethwaite, I. Liu, F. Labra- Spröhnle

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