ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

25 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, 19 May 2023 P-07-008 The influence of cognitive disengagement syndrome (sluggish cognitive tempo) on the neuropsychological assessment of children with ADHD B. Sáez, Spain M. Servera, I. Moreno-Garcia, A. Cano-Crespo P-07-009 Toxic stress and ADHD – the missing link – experiences of child Neurologist V. Slijepcevic Saftic, Croatia P-07-010 Validation of a new semi-structured interview for diagnosing externalizing disorders from preschool to adolescence A. Thöne, Germany F. Oswald, J. Rausch, K. Becker, M. Romanos, A. Görtz-Dorten, M. Döpfner P-07-011 Guideline-based multi-method and multi- informant ADHD diagnostics in children and adolescents: Is the clinical ADHD interview the key source for making the diagnosis? A report from the consortium INTEGRATE-ADHD S. Weyrich, Germany M. Romanos, R. Schlack, A. Beyer, U. Ravens- Sieberer, J. Witte, P. Heuschmann, C. Riederer, T. Jans P-08 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Diagnosis: children and adolescents II Chair: G. Polanczyk, Brazil P-08-001 Executive functioning in children with ADHD: Investigating the cross-method correlations between cognitive tests and rating scales A. Bikic, Denmark K. Dalsgaard Olsen, D. Sukhodolsky P-08-002 Virtual reality in the assessment of ADHD: An excerpt report from our conducted systematic review N. Braun, Germany A. Wiebe, B. Selaskowski, K. Kannen, L. Asché, J. Pakos, A. Philipsen P-08-003 Improving recognition of ADHD in girls: A new self-report scale measuring symp- toms at home and school A. Butura, United Kingdom J. Downs, J. Phillips Owen, E. Sonuga-Barke P-08-004 Experience of the application of the NITII tool for the analysis of the development profile of patients evaluated in a neu- rodevelopment clinic M. Fernández, Spain N. Gilibert, C. Carvalho, S. Bello P-08-005 Using a 14 minute auditory brainstem response test to detect the prevalence of ADHD: Reduced thalamic activity in ADHD under auditory brainstem re- sponse forward masking conditions P. Hedin, Sweden E. Claesdotter-Knutsson, M. Lindvall P-08-006 Cognitive disengagement syndrome (sluggish cognitive tempo) : A review of origins, evaluation and treatment S. Henrard, France D. Purper-Ouakil, H. Caci P-08-008 Diagnostic accuracy of ADHD screening tools for children and young people with intellectual disability and autism E. Simonoff, United Kingdom Z. Fang, R. Bailey, J. Vericio P-08-009 Cultural adaptation of the Strength-Based Interview for Behavior for parents (SIB-P) in the Arabic culture (Gulf countries) P. Robaey, Canada S. Alharthi, M. Alzarooni, S. AlHadhrami, M. Sultan, A. AlMarshedi P-08-010 Factorial structure and item information function of the Strength-Based Interview for Behavior for parents (SIB-P) in an epi- demiological sample P. Robaey, Canada H. Paradis, R. Schachar, M. Boivin, G. Dionne P-08-011 Sensitivity and specificity of delay of gratification tasks as a predictor for ADHD B. Ulitzka, Germany M. Daseking, J. Kerner auch Koerner P-08-012 Psychometric properties of the self-report version of the strength and weaknesses of ADHD and normal behaviors rating scale in adolescent and adult samples K. Vajsz, Hungary L. Paulina, M. Miklósi

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