ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

27 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, 19 May 2023 P-10-009 Cold executive functions of children and adolescents with ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder: Results from the MATRICS trial C. Narducci, Italy S. Carucci, F. Donno, E. Valente, F. Placini, A. Milone, P. Brovedani, G. Masi, C. Balia, A. Zuddas P-10-010 Structural and pragmatic language impairments negatively impact social discourse in children with ADHD H. Samniya, Japan S. Taylor, M. Tatsuki, G. Tripp P-11 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Autism spectrum disorders Chair: S. Walitza, Switzerland P-11-004 Autism spectrum disorders symptoms evaluated with ADOS-2 in persons with schizophrenia N. Dan, Japan Y. Hanawa, Y. Iwami, Y. Nagatsuka, H. Suzuki, K. Aoyagi, W. Hayashi, N. Saga, T. Otowa, A. Iwanami P-11-005 Environmental pollutants exposure and autism spectrum disorders: An umbrella review of epidemiological evidence X. Gao, China X. Zheng, N. Wang, L. Yang P-11-007 Autistic traits in children with ADHD: Evidence from behavioral and neuroim- aging analyses J. Liu, China Q. Liu, Z. Wu, Y. Wang, C. Dong, L. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Wang, L. Liu, B. Yang P-11-008 "My Emotions and Me": A qualitative in- vestigation of similarities and differences in the accounts of emotional experiences given by adolescents with ADHD and autism S. Lukito, United Kingdom G. Pavlopoulou, S. Chandler, M. Kakoulidou, S. Baker, E. Sonuga-Barke, Youth Research Panel (YRP) P-11-009 Peripheral Inflammatory Markers in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder E. Yildirim Demirdögen, Turkey G. Yitik Tonkaz, Z. Ergin P-12 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Substance use disorders Chair: C. Crunelle, Belgium P-12-001 Common factors rather than cannabis use might explain core ADHD symptomatol- ogy in youth with ADHD L. Roestad Kvitland, Norway H. Moa, J. Schei, H. Ramsøy-Halle, I. Mundal P-12-002 What drives soft drug use in ADHD: Insensitivity to risk or fascination with the benefits? R. Shoham, Israel I. Yaniv, Y. Pollak P-13 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Electrophysiology, pathophysiology: children, ado- lescents, adults I Chair: J. Thome, Germany P-13-001 The role of comorbid depressive symp- toms on long‑range temporal correla- tions in resting EEG in adults with ADHD J. Huang, Germany M. Strauß P-13-002 Evidence-based, stepped-care in ADHD: Predicting treatment response from brain-electric function A. Kaiser, Germany D. Brandeis, T. Banaschewski, ESCAlife consortium P-13-003 Attenuated sensitivity to action-values explains inconsistent behavior in ADHD in outcome-distant states G. Katabi, Israel N. Shahar P-13-004 Polysomnographic-measured sleep as- sociated with cognitive disengagement in adolescents with and without ADHD J. Lunsford-Avery, USA A. Krystal, S. Kollins P-13-007 Association between ADHD, autism spec- trum disorder, and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis J. Perna, USA A. Bellato, P. Ganapathy, M. Solmi, A. Zampieri, S. Faraone, S. Cortese

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