ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

28 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, 19 May 2023 P-13-008 Contributions of child attachment and cognitive functions to ADHD symptoms H. Slama, Belgium V. Delvenne P-13-009 EEG as a transdiagnostic marker in ADHD A. Smyth, Ireland J. McGrath, R. Whelan P-13-010 Two sides of the same coin: ADHD affects reactive but not proactive inhibition in children I. Suarez, France L. Casini P-13-011 Atypical biological motion perception in ADHD predicted impaired social interac- tion J. Tian, China F. Yang, Y. Jiang, L. Yang P-13-012 Large-scale brain networks in ADHD: An electroencephalogram biomarker and classification study G. Wu, China K. Qing, X. Luo, C. Dang, Y. Zhu, Y. Feng, Y. Wang, L. Sun P-14 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Electrophysiology, pathophysiology: children, ado- lescents, adults II Chair: E. Grünblatt, Switzerland P-14-001 ADHD and emotion dysregulation: How are they connected? S. Albesisi, United Kingdom P-14-002 Executive functioning and social selec- tion in adolescents with ADHD: A social network analysis R. Arruda, Brazil A. Andrade Ribeiro, P. Custódio D’Amico, M. Arruda P-14-003 Biological rhythms disruption is related to emotional dysregulation and cyclothymia in adults with ADHD G. Brancati, Italy A. Petrucci, F. De Dominicis, P. Medda, E. Schiavi, G. Perugi P-14-004 Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the quick delay questionnaire in adult: A study of reliability and validity C. Chen, China S. Zhang, H. Hong, S. Qiu, Y. Zhou, H. Li, L. Liu, Y. Wang, E. Sonuga-Barke, Q. Qian P-14-006 ADHD is related to suboptimal and in- consistent decision-making O. Gabrieli-Seri, Israel E. Ert, Y. Pollak P-14-007 Networks of neuropsychological functions in the clinical evaluation of adult ADHD N. Guo, The Netherlands A. Fuermaier, J. Koerts, O. Tucha, N. Scherbaum, B. Müller P-14-008 Altered interaction of physiological activ- ity and behavior affects risky decision- making in ADHD E. Halbe, Germany F. Kolf, A. Heger, P. Hüpen, M. Bergmann, B. Aslan, B. Harrison, C. Davey, A. Philipsen, S. Lux P-14-009 The role of executive functions and pro- cessing speed in social problems in ADHD and healthy controls M. Munch, Norway L. Sørensen, S. Adolfsdottir, H. Eichele, E. Kvadsheim, K. Plessen, B. Osnes P-14-010 Life in the fast lane: The role of temporal processing in ADHD risk-taking behaviors A. Schiros, USA K. Antshel P-14-011 Suboptimal decision making and inter- personal problems in ADHD: Longitudinal evidence from a laboratory task L. Sorensen, Norway S. Adolfsdottir, E. Kvadsheim, H. Eichele, K. Plessen, E. Sonuga-Barke P-15 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Neuroimaging Chair: K. Rubia, United Kingdom P-15-001 Impaired flexibility in reward learning in ADHD is associated with blunted re- inforcement sensitivity and attenuated learning and choice signals in ventral striatum and parietal cortex H. Aster, Germany M. Waltmann, A. Busch, M. Romanos, B. van Noort, A. Beck, V. Kappel, L. Deserno P-15-002 Symptom guided multimodal neuroimage fusion patterns in ADHD children and its potential "brain structure-function-cog- nition-behavior" pathological pathways Y. Feng, China D. Zhi, Y. Zhu, X. Guo, X. Luo, C. Dang, S. Zheng, L. Liu, J. Sui, L. Sun

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