ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

29 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, 19 May 2023 P-15-003 The 'different' pathological mechanisms underlying the 'similar' core clinical mani- festation: Understanding children with ADHD with the human brain chart N. Liu, China Y. Wang, H. Li, Y. Wang, X. Zuo, L. Liu, Q. Qian P-15-004 Relationship between writing dynamics and frontal lobe activity in children with neurodevelopmental disorders A. Megumi, Japan J. Shin, Y. Uchida, A. Fukuda, K. Kotegawa, K. Sakamoto, A. Yasumura P-15-005 Poor reponse to methylphenidate is as- sociated with a smaller dorsal attentive network in adult ADHD V. Parlatini, United Kingdom J. Radua, A. Solanes Font, R. Wichers, S. Maltezos, M. Sanefuji, F. Dell’Acqua, M. Catani, M. Thiebaut de Schotten, D. Murphy P-15-006 Individualized functional brain topogra- phy and conduct problems in children are associated with socioeconomic inequality H. Su, The Netherlands E. Sprooten, Z. Cui P-15-007 The clinical, neuropsychological, and brain functional characteristics of the ADHD restrictive inattentive presentation Z. Wu, China P. Wang, J. Liu, L. Yang, Y. Wang, B. Yang P-15-008 The neural correlates of impaired Chinese reading skills in children with ADHD Z. Wu, China Y. Wang, B. Yang P-15-009 Cerebral blood flow characteristics of drug-naive ADHD with social impairment: Evidence for region-symptom specificity K. Zhang, China Y. Wang, L. Yang, Q. Cao P-15-010 Exploring characteristics of time perspec- tive and its neuroanatomical correlates in adult ADHD Y. Zhou, China C. Chen, S. Zhang, M. Pan, Q. Liu, H. Li, L. Liu, Q. Qian, Y. Wang P-15-011 Functional connectivity characteristics of background oscillation activity during visual sensory perception in children with ADHD Y. Zhu, China X. Luo, X. Guo, C. Dang, Y. Feng, C. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Song, H. Zhang, L. Sun P-15-012 Functional reorganization of brain activity in children with ADHD: Evidence from the modulatory effect of cognitive demand during visuospatial attention task Y. Zhu, China X. Luo, X. Guo, C. Dang, Y. Feng, C. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Song, H. Zhang, L. Sun HT-12 Hot Topic Session 15:30–17:00 G102-103 Predictive modeling for precision medicine: Can it in- form clinical practice? Chairs: J. Buitelaar, The Netherlands S. Faraone, USA HT-12-001 Diagnostic and stratification markers for ADHD: Are we on the right way? J. Buitelaar, The Netherlands HT-12-002 Predicting ADHD and associated outcomes using large-scale register data S. Cortese, United Kingdom HT-12-003 Predicting ADHD trajectories with basic clinical information A. Caye, Brazil HT-12-004 Predicting response to extended release viloxazine in youth and adults S. Faraone, USA HT-13 Hot Topic Session 15:30–17:00 G104-105 COVID-19 and its potential relation to ADHD Chairs: K. Jensen De Lopez, Denmark I. Manor, Israel HT-13-001 The association between ADHD and COVID-19 infection I. Manor, Israel HT-13-002 Association between ADHD and COVID-19 infection and clinical outcomes: A ret- rospective cohort study from electronic medical records R. Aber, USA HT-13-003 The impact of COVID-19 on mental health outcomes of individuals with ADHD K. Jensen De Lopez, Denmark

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