ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

30 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, 19 May 2023 HT-14 Hot Topic Session 15:30–17:00 Emerald Room New progress in understanding the environment for ADHD: Evidence from Asian studies Chairs: T. Saito, Japan Y. Zheng, China HT-14-001 An overview of risk and protective envi- ronmental factors for ADHD Y. Zheng, China HT-14-002 Prenatal exposure to antipsychotics and ADHD I. Wong HT-14-003 Prenatal environmental exposure and ADHD in the Hokkaido study T. Saito, Japan HT-14-004 Risk and resilience in ADHD: The need for a developmental ecosystem L. Choon Guan, Singapore HT-15 Hot Topic Session 15:30–17:00 G106 Treatment and treatment outcome of substance use disorder patients with a comorbid ADHD Chairs: C. Brynte, Sweden C. Crunelle, Belgium HT-15-001 Predictors of treatment outcomes – first results of the International Naturalistic Multi-center Treatment Study of Comorbid ADHD/SUD Study (INCAS) C. Brynte, Sweden HT-15-002 Association of religiousness and self- control with ADHD symptoms and sub- stance use disorder severity A. Begeman, The Netherlands HT-15-003 International consensus on screening, di- agnosis and treatment of ADHD patients with substance use disorders: adults and adolescents C. Crunelle, Belgium HT-15-004 ADHD and addiction, a rewarding combi- nation? On the role of reward processing deficits in this frequent comorbidity A. Schellekens, The Netherlands HT-16 Hot Topic Session 15:30–17:00 G107 Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for adults with ADHD Chairs: L. Hechtman, Canada A. Philipsen, Germany HT-16-001 Dialectic behaviour therapy based and smart-phone assisted interventions for adults with ADHD A. Philipsen, Germany HT-16-002 CBT to enhance executive function in college students with ADHD M. Solanto, USA HT-16-003 CBT for adult ADHD: intersections of research and practice R. Ramsay, USA HT-16-004 Controlled, randomized study of efficacy of CBT for adults with ADHD L. Hechtman, Canada HT-17 Hot Topic Session 15:30–17:00 Auditorium Special issues on ADHD pharmacological treatment Chairs: M. Gignac, Canada J. Swanson, USA HT-17-001 Does stimulant use increase productivity in people without ADHD? D. Coghill, Australia HT-17-002 Do stimulants have a protective effect on mortality associated with ADHD? M. Gignac, Canada HT-17-003 Acute and late tolerance: Is these real problems using stimulants? J. Swanson, USA HT-17-004 Is there a change in patterns of stimulant prescriptions worldwide? I. Wong

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