ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

32 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Saturday, 20 May 2023 PS-03 Plenary Session 08:30–10:00 Auditorium New findings on aetiology and neurobiology Chairs: P. Riederer, Germany S. Faraone, USA PS-03-001 Recent findings on ADHD genetics D. Demontis, Denmark PS-03-002 Is anything new on ADHD neurobiology? K. Lesch, Germany PS-03-003 Influence of the microbiome on ADHD A. Arias Vasquez, The Netherlands PC-01 Pro-and-Con Debate 10:30–12:00 Auditorium Medication should be used as first approach for the treatment of preschoolers with ADHD Moderator: J. Thome, Germany Proponent: G. Polanczyk, Brazil Opponent: E. Sonuga-Barke, United Kingdom P-16 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Experimental models Chair: P. Riederer, Germany P-16-001 Double mutants of the two loss-of- function models of the ADHD candidate gene metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) gene display locomotor phe- notypes and anxiety-like behavior in Zebrafish C. Drepper, Germany L. Kettenstock, T. Lüffe, M. Romanos, C. Lillesaar P-16-002 Identification and mapping of neurons expressing foxp2: A gene implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders C. Drepper, Germany A. Lang, M. Sekulic, T. Lüffe, M. Romanos, C. Lillesaar P-16-003 Vitamin D and Dopamine levels: Circadian gene expression in human dermal fibro- blasts of study participants with a diag- nosis of ADHD F. Faltraco, Germany D. Palm, A. Uzoni, O. Tucha, J. Thome P-16-004 Vitamin D and norepinephrine levels: Circadian gene expression changes in human dermal fibroblasts in controls without a neuropsychiatric disorder, but no changes in study participants with a diagnosis of ADHD F. Faltraco, Germany A. Uzoni, O. Tucha, J. Thome P-16-005 Catalpol promotes the neurogenesis and proliferation of hippocampal stem cells via the Wnt/ β -catenin pathway in a rat model of ADHD X. Ni, China Y. Chen, J. Wang P-16-006 Effect of rehmanniae radix praeparata on energy metabolism in prefrontal cortex of rats with ADHD based on "static Yin and dynamic Yang" theory X. Ni, China J. Wang P-16-007 A traditional Chinese medicine prescrip- tion An Shen Ding Zhi Ling (ASDZL) alleviates symptoms of ADHD via anti- inflammatory effects in spontaneous hypertensive rats Y. Song, China X. Han P-16-008 Involvement of the Wnt signaling in Methylphenidate (Ritalin) treatment of ADHD C. Yde Ohki, Switzerland N. Walter, A. Bender, M. Rickli, C. Döring, A. Werling, S. Walitza, E. Grünblatt P-16-010 Investigation of glucometabolic altera- tions in iPSC-derived cortical cell models with copy number variants of the ADHD risk gene SLC2A3 G. Ziegler, Germany A. Pineau, J. de Capilla, A. Preuße, G. Ortega y Schulte, K. Lesch

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