ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

34 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Saturday, 20 May 2023 P-18-006 How are psychoeducational trials in ADHD for adults to organize? Needs and challenges for patient, familiar and staff members S. Holzer, Italy A. Conca, E. Duregger, H. Oberhofer, G. Giupponi, Y. Endrizzi, P. Cassin P-18-007 Personalized video gaming therapy re- duces comorbid depressive symptoms in adult patients with ADHD S. Lux, Germany M. Bergmann, B. Bögel, S. Parsa, M. Simeit, A. Philipsen P-18-008 Psychoeducation intervention on crimino- genic needs in ADHD population, limits and perspectives C. Reguidiere, Belgium P. Oswald P-18-009 A pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of a novel device (VIZO™- Glasses) in the management of ADHD in adults Y. Richter, Israel C. Bublil Mor, D. Geisinger, C. Gordon, Z. Elyoseph P-18-010 What is the evidence for the efficacy of structured interventions in improving the physical wellbeing of young adults with ADHD?: A scoping review J. Ward, United Kingdom A. McBride, A. Price, T. Newlove-Delgado P-19 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Non-pharmacological treatment: children and adol- escents I Chair: J. Swanson, USA P-19-001 Longer-term effects of behavioural par- ent training for children with ADHD: A meta-analytic review D. Doffer, The Netherlands T. Dekkers, R. Hornstra, S. van der Oord, M. Luman, P. Leijten, P. Hoekstra, B. van den Hoofdakker, A. Groenman P-19-002 Preliminary efficacy of advanced tools for organization management: A digital tool to promote adolescents' engage- ment and skills utilization in psychosocial treatment for ADHD M. Dvorsky, USA A. Steinberg, R. Streisand, A. Chronis-Tuscano, L. Pfiffner P-19-003 Family and couple therapy with ADHD present J. Grimwade, Australia P-19-004 Effects of an elimination diet and a healthy diet in children with ADHD: 1-year prospective follow-up of a two- arm randomized, controlled study (TRACE study) A. Huberts-Bosch, The Netherlands M. Bierens, J. Rucklidge, V. Ly, R. Donders, A. Arias Vasquez, J. Buitelaar, S. van den Berg, N. Lambregts-Rommelse P-19-005 Effect of cogmed working memory train- ing on visual attention span of children and adolescents with ADHD: A pilot study N. Lal, India S. Kothari P-19-006 Treatment components and process mechanisms in nondirective and behav- ioral guided telephone-assisted parent management training for externalizing behavior problems A. Treier, Germany C. Hautmann, M. Döpfner P-19-007 Playing to cope with ADHD S. Vanwalleghem, France R. Zebdi P-19-008 Satisfaction with blended cognitive- behavioral treatment of children and adolescents with ADHD during the COVID-19 pandemic E. von Wirth, Germany L. Meininger, J. Adam, P. Viefhaus, K. Woitecki, D. Walter, M. Döpfner P-19-009 A randomised wait-list controlled trial evaluating 1-2-3 magic and it's effective- ness on families with children with ADHD K. Wong, United Kingdom K. Man, W. Lau, P. Ip, L. Wei

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