ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

35 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Saturday, 20 May 2023 P-20 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Non-pharmacological treatment: children and adol- escents II Chair: S. Cortese, United Kingdom P-20-001 It counts in every single lesson: Between- and within-person associations between student-perceived classroom interactions and students' ADHD symptoms and nor- mal behaviour F. Blume, Germany F. Schmiedek P-20-002 Oligoantigenic diet in children with ADHD, acute efficacy and in a follow-up study C. Clement, Germany R. Jabber, A. Mosdzin, R. Weber, G. Walz, K. Schneider-Momm, H. Clement, E. Schulz, R. Rauh, C. Fleischhaker P-20-003 Modernising psychosocial intervention for ADHD: Mobile based parent manage- ment training for parents of children with ADHD or oppositional defiant disorder- medigital ® ADHD/OPP A. Görtz-Dorten, Germany M. Döpfner P-20-004 Sensory noise treatment of children with ADHD: In search for the noise benefiters P. Gustafsson, Sweden P. Gustafsson P-20-005 Parental practices contribution to organi- zational skills' improvement following an intervention among ADHD youths S. Normandeau, Canada L. Hechtman P-20-006 Executive function training in adoles- cents: A proposal for intervention L. Nunes, Brazil A. Seabra P-20-008 Development of a school-based inter- vention for ADHD using intervention mapping (the flex toolkit) A. Russell, United Kingdom D. Moore, T. Ford, J. Kidger, E. Sonuga-Barke, L. Pfiffner, R. Hayes, B. Dunn P-20-009 Home-based, individualized transcranial direct current stimulation as a new treat- ment approach for children and adoles- cents suffering from ADHD F. Schlechter, Germany I. Wrachtrup Calzado, C. Breitling, A. Dempfle, C. Luckhardt, H. Pereira, O. Puonti, R. Salvador, J. Siemann, M. Siniatchkin P-20-010 Sensory noise treatment of children with ADHD: In search for the noise benefiters G. Söderlund, Norway P. Gustafsson P-20-011 Association between utilization and symptom change in a web-assisted self-help intervention for caregivers of children with externalizing disorders L. Wähnke, Germany M. Döpfner, J. Plück, C. Dose, M. Klemp, J. Mühlenmeister P-21 Guided Poster Tour 14:00–15:30 Onyx Lounge Non-pharmacological treatment: children and adol- escents III Chair: M. Gignac, Canada P-21-001 Multimodal intervention program and health-related good quality of life for adolescent with ADHD: A case study T. Ahmad, Kuwait E. Salem P-21-002 Effects of parent-directed, guided and unguided web-assisted self-help in the treatment of children with ADHD and other externalizing behavior problems C. Dose, Germany J. Plück, K. Rosenberger, M. Klemp, J. Mühlenmeister, L. Wähnke, M. Hellmich, M. Döpfner P-21-003 A mindfulness program for children with ADHD: A randomized controlled trial A. Huguet, Spain V. Pera Guardiola, I. Insa, J. Izaguirre, P. Verges Balasch, J. Alda P-21-004 Influence of a mindfulness and cognitive rehabilitation program on core symptoms and executive functions in children diag- nosed with ADHD: Protocol study A. Huguet, Spain A. Feliu, V. Pera Guardiola P-21-005 Therapy program assisted with dogs for children with ADHD A. Huguet, Spain M. Rodrigo-Claverol, M. Solé Pujol, M. Rivera Moya, P. Verges Balasch, J. Jové Naval P-21-006 A five-week digital intervention to reduce attention problems in children with ADHD: A double-blind randomised controlled trial H. Kirk, Australia S. Richmond, T. Gaunson, M. Bennett, M. Bellgrove, K. Cornish

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