ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme
41 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Saturday, 20 May 2023 HT-22 Hot Topic Session 15:30–17:00 Auditorium Symposium dedicated to Joe Biederman Chairs: S. Faraone, USA L. Rohde, Brazil HT-22-001 Introduction to the symposium S. Faraone, USA HT-22-002 Dysphoric conduct disorder: Under- standing the typology and treatment implication of antisocial behaviour M. Gignac, Canada HT-22-003 Trajectories of ADHD from childhood to young adulthood L. Rohde, Brazil HT-22-004 Noradrenergic drug treatments for ADHD with and without comorbidity J. Newcorn, USA HT-22-005 Long-term safety of methylphendate for ADHD treatment T. Banaschewski, Germany HT-22-006 The association between ADHD and child- hood infectious diseases; A population- based case-control study I. Manor, Israel YS-02 Young Scientists’ Session 15:30–17:00 G109 Young Scientists´ Session II Chairs: M. Bellgrove, Australia L. Yang, China YS-02-001 ADHD traits in the general population and their association with positive aspects of ADHD L. Schippers, The Netherlands YS-02-002 Epigenome-wide association meta-analysis of adult ADHD M. Klein, The Netherlands YS-02-003 Risk of adverse pregnancy, delivery, and infant outcomes among women with ADHD: A nationwide cohort study A. Khan, Norway YS-02-004 Are attentional processes differentially related to symptoms of ADHD in child- hood versus adulthood?: Evidence from a multi-sample of community adults T. Coll Martín, Spain ES-03 Educational Seminar 17:15–18:15 G104-105 Cognitive behavioral therapy for adults with ADHD A. Philipsen, Germany ES-04 Educational Seminar 17:15–18:15 G107 What is different in assessing and treating girls with ADHD S. Dalsgaard, Denmark ES-05 Educational Seminar 17:15–18:15 Emerald Room Assessment strategies of ADHD in adults W. Retz, Germany ES-06 Educational Seminar 17:15–18:15 G106 The advantages and limitations of drug holidays L. Hechtman, Canada ME-05 Meet-the-Expert Session 17:15–18:15 G102-103 How to treat refractory ADHD? S. Cortese, United Kingdom ME-06 Meet-the-Expert Session 17:15–18:15 G109 ADHD sleep health and the immune system J. Kooij, The Netherlands e Registration fee for Educational Seminars and Meet-the-Expert-Session: EUR 50 per session. Only valid in combination with the congress registration fee.
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