ADHD 2023 - Congress Programme

42 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Sunday, 21 May 2023 GR-01 Grand Round 09:00–10:30 Auditorium Is it ADHD or mild cognitive impairment? A diagnostic challenge in older adults Moderator: L. Rohde, Brazil Presenter: D. Goodman, USA Discussant: J. Kooij, The Netherlands LN-06 Late Breaking News 10:30–11:00 Auditorium Lounge A self-guided internet-delivered intervention for adults with ADHD: Results from a randomized controlled trial Introducer: Astri J. Lundervold, Norway Interviewers: A. Caye, Brazil; K. Ellison, USA PS-04 Plenary Session 11:00–12:30 Auditorium ADHD and comorbidities Chairs: M. Bellgrove, Australia L. Yang, China PS-04-001 Why mental health professionals should care about comorbid somatic disorders in ADHD? Findings from Swedish medical registers S. Dalsgaard, Denmark PS-04-002 Is depression a red flag for ADHD? A. Thapar, United Kingdom PS-04-003 Reshaping the concept of ADHD comor- bidities: Findings from the EU CoCa- Project and beyond C. Hartman, The Netherlands Poster Prizes awarded © andreykr –

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