ADHD - An Illustrated historical overview

A famous children´s book H offmann was a creative personality who wrote poetry and sketched pictures throughout his life, not only for publication. His first and most famous book, "Slovenly Peter" ("Struwwelpeter"), has been translated into almost all languages of the world. Hoffmann could not find a suitable gift for his son Carl in the bookstores of Frankfurt, so he originally designed the small book as a Christ- mas present in 1844. The picture book includes a series of self-contained, illus- trated stories that warn against the devastating consequences of disobedience and wickedness. "Slovenly Peter", for example, willfully and defiantly refuses to have his hair and nails cut for a year. Unkempt, and thus offending all the rules of personal hygiene, he finally stands defiantly on his podium, labeled by others an

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