ADHD - An Illustrated historical overview

outsider. The next tale recounts "The Story of Bad Frederick", who is very impul- sive and aggressive: he tortures animals and people, until he is finally injured by a resisting dog. While the dog enjoys thereafter the amenities of Frederick´s life, he must remain in bed. "The Dreadful Story of the Matches" warns of the dangers of fire: Paulinchen ignores the warnings of two cats and the prohibition of her parents, and plays with matches while at home alone, and is ultimately burned to death. "Fidgety Philip", the most cited story in the context of ADHD, exhibits a restlessness that is a burden on family life. The plight of the parents becomes ap- parent when Philip once more "flutters", "rocks", "fidgets" and "clatters" at table: in their helplessness, they react with anger.

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