ADHD - An Illustrated historical overview

Berlin´s Charité K ramer and Pollnow worked togeth- er at the psychiatric and neurologi- cal hospital at Berlin’s Charité under Karl Bonhoeffer, a renowned psychia- trist who led Germany’s most prestig- ious and influential clinic from 1912 to 1938. In view of the rising number of hospitalized children, Bonhoeffer had opened a special ward dedicated to the observation of children in 1921 and appointed Kramer its head. Simi- lar wards were opened at that time throughout Berlin and in other Ger- man cities, a development that was pioneered by the famous paediatri- cian August Homburger (1873–1930) in Heidelberg, who opened one of the first centers where parents could seek advice on psychiatric matters affecting their children. Karl Bonhoeffer (1868–1948). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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