ADHD - An Illustrated historical overview

Letter of recommendation for Franz Kramer by Ferdinand Sauerbruch. Charité, May 25, 1938. Another leading figure at the Charité was Adalbert Czerny (1863–1941), who became full professor for paediatrics in 1913. Czerny emphasized in his works the correlation between nutritional disturbance and the behaviour of the child and several diseases were named after him (Czerny-anaemia, Czerny−di- athesis, Czerny-respiration). Tragically, most of the fruitful efforts at the Charité ended unhappily. Kram- er left Germany in 1938 and spent the rest of his life in the Netherlands where he was able to find work as a doctor in Amsterdam and Den Dolder. Poll- now emigrated in 1933 to Paris, but as war raged he was caught by German troops in southern France and later murdered in Mauthausen.

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