ADHD - An Illustrated historical overview

by symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and, final- ly, depression (Ostrander et al. 2006, Loeber et al. 2009). Another possible trajectory is the sequence of ADHD, tic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder (Freeman et al. 2007). How- ever, somatic comorbidity also has to be mentioned in this context; in some patients, early atopic eczema precedes ADHD symptoms, with a modulatory role for sleep disruption (Schmitt et al. 2013). As distinct trajectories of symp- tom progression and comorbidity im- pact on therapy, long-term outcome and prognosis of ADHD (e.g. Connor et al. 2010), not only the manifestation of ADHD core symptoms, but also of developmental comorbidity should be accounted for in the diagnostic and therapeutic process. By Regina Taurines, Würzburg, Germany. characteristics regarding comorbidity ADHD in the MTA Cooperative Group Study of 1999 (n=579). 40% 38% 14% 11% 31% Oppositional-defiant disorder Affective and anxiety disorder Conduct disorder No comorbid disorder Tic disorder Baseline characteristics regarding comorbidity in ADHD. Data according to the MTA Cooperative Group Study, 1999 (n=579).

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