ADHD - An Illustrated historical overview

"Treatment of the hyperactive child utilizes […] guidance of parents, direct psychotherapy, medication, and auxiliary technics such as remedial reading and tutoring.“ Stella Chess, 1960, p. 2382. "In 22 cases, or in more than 60 per cent of the physiologically hyperactive children in the study, it was possible to work successfully with the parents on a consultative basis without direct work with the chil- dren and without the use of drugs.“ Stella Chess, 1960, p. 2383. "The use of pharmacological agents, such as amphetamine sulfate, offers a supplementary and relatively untried approach to the treatment of children´s psychiatric problems. This approach in no sense replaces that of modifying a child’s surroundings and so removing the sources of conflict. Neither can it offer the same assurance of mental health as do forms of psychotherapy which enable a child to work out his emotional problems, or which train him to deal with future difficulties. However, distressing surround- ings cannot always be altered, and lack of facilities frequently make effective psychotherapy impossible. In such situations the simple administration of a drug that produces an improved social adjustment or accelerated school progress may offer considerable assistance to some children.“ Bradley and Bowen (1941) on the use of pharmacological agents.

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