Final Announcement - page 22

29th CINP World
Congress 2014
Submission of Poster Abstracts
Participants are invited to submit abstracts for poster pre-
sentations. These should give a brief description of the title
and topic.
All abstracts will be assessed by members of the Interna-
tional Scientific Programme Committee. The assessors will
judge the abstracts according to the relevance to CINP,
standard of English, objectivity of statement, description of
what was done, suitability of methods to aims, conclusions
confirmed by objective results, ethics, scientific value, po-
tential clinical value, originality of work and overall impres-
sion. All accepted abstracts will be published in the online
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (IJNP)
and online on the congress website:
Please visit the congress website
detailed instructions regarding the electronic submission
of abstracts.
The deadline for poster submissions is:
5 February 2014
Guidelines for Submission
Abstracts must be submitted in English.
The successful participant is committed to present their
posters at the designated time slot allocated to them by
the International Scientific Programme Committee.
Changes in authorship should be communicated to the
International Scientific Programme Committee in order
to ensure correct appearance in the printed programme
15 April 2014
If the original presenting author is unable to present, one
of the co-authors should take over this responsibility.
When participants are submitting a poster abstract, they
must submit a completed registration form and payment
of the correct registration fee. Both must be received by
the congress and exhibition office CPO HANSER SERVICE
no later than
5 February 2014
If the poster is not accepted the delegate will have the
right to recieve a full registration refund.
We encourage submitting authors to register via the online
registration system along with the abstract submission.
The acceptance of abstracts by the International Scientific
Programme Committee does not imply any financial assis-
tance or fee reduction.
Notification of acceptance or rejection by the International
Scientific Programme Committee will be emailed to the
presenting author. Detailed information, guidelines and
re­commendations for poster presentation, as well as time
allocation, date, hour, and venue will be sent in due time to
registered presenting authors.
Guidelines for Preparation of Abstracts
Please choose a title that clearly indicates the content of
the contribution. Please avoid abbreviations in the title.
Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined
when used first. A maximum of 300 words is allowed. The
author’s name (full first name, family name) and place of
work (institution, city, country) should be indicated. De-
grees, titles, street addresses and acknowledgements of
support should be omitted, however.
To provide maximum information in the abstract please
state the specific objective of the study
state the methods used, if pertinent
summarize the results obtained
state the conclusions reached
Please ensure that the abstract does not contain spelling,
grammar or scientific errors, as it will be reproduced ex-
actly as submitted.
Please submit a poster which is relevant to the conference
topic, see page 23.
Poster Sessions
Poster sessions will be held from Monday, 23 June to
Wednesday, 25 June 2014. These sessions offer an interac-
tive forum for the exchange of information and a means to
communicate ideas, research, and programmes. Poster au-
thors must attend these sessions to give feedback to con-
ference attendees who stop by to ask questions. At this
congress, posters will be grouped by topics for the conve-
nience of those attending the sessions.
Poster Awards
Clinical, translational, and basic neuroscience research
awards are given. Those presenting the best posters receive
a certificate. These awards serve to encourage young scien-
tists (under 35) who are actively involved in clinical and pre-
clinical research. The final selection of Poster Awards will
be made on the basis of the study’s scientific excellence.
Application for Poster Awards
To be eligible for a poster award, the applicant (scientists
under 35) must check the applicable box on the online
poster submission form at:
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