Final Announcement - page 24

29th CINP World
Congress 2014
Lilly Neuroscience Basic Research Award
The Lilly Neuroscience Basic Research Award is given to a
scientist in recognition of an outstanding contribution to
psychopharmacology and will be presented at the 29th
CINP World Congress in Vancouver, Canada. The recipient
of the 2014 award will be chosen by an international scien-
tific jury by March 2014. This award consists of a monetary
award of USD 10.000, an engraved plaque, paid registra-
tion fees for the congress, round trip economy air travel,
and up to four nights’ accommodation at a congress hotel.
This activity is supported by a contribution from Lilly.
Lilly Neuroscience Clinical Research Award
The Lilly Neuroscience Clinical Research Award is given to a
scientist in recognition of an outstanding contribution to
psychopharmacology and will be presented at the 29th CINP
World Congress in Vancouver, Canada. The recipient of the
2014 award will be chosen by an international scientific jury
by March 2014. This award consists of a monetary award of
USD 10.000, an engraved plaque, paid registration fees for
the congress, round trip economy air travel, and up to four
nights’ accommodation at a congress hotel.
This activity is supported by a contribution from Lilly.
Max Hamilton Memorial Prize
Max Hamilton, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C. Psych., D.P.M. (1912
– 1988) is best known for his assessment of depressive ill-
ness through psychometrics. The Hamilton rating scale for
depression is widely used throughout the world, and his
1960 paper on the problem of measuring the severity of
depression is probably the most cited medical publication
in the second half of the twentieth century. The recipient of
the 2014 award will be chosen by an international scientific
jury by March 2014. This prize consists of a monetary award
of USD 10.000 and an engraved plaque, to be presented at
the 29th CINP World Congress in Vancouver, Canada.
This award is supported by AstraZeneca.
CINP Pioneers in Psychopharmacology Award
The Award is given at each CINP World Congress to three
individuals to honour those who have made major contri-
butions to the field as it has developed. The contributions
may be in research, clinical, or administrative areas but
must be internationally recognised as significant to the
growth of the field. Pioneer Awardees receive round trip
air travel and accommodation at the 29th CINP World Con-
gress in Vancouver, Canada, an engraved plaque, paid re­
gistration fees and appropriate recognition at the meeting.
Rafaelsen Young Investigators Award
In 1986 Ole Rafaelsen and William Bunney were instru-
mental in establishing a CINP programme supporting the
attendance of young scientists at the 15th CINP Congress
in 1986. That programme was posthumously named the
Rafaelsen Fellowship Award to honour Dr. Rafaelsen, who
died in 1987. The recipients of the 29th Congress Rafa-
elsen Awards will be chosen by an international scientific
jury by March 2014. A number of awardees will be selected
and presented with awards consisting of round trip econo-
my air travel, up to four nights’ accommodation, a certifi-
cate, a cash stipend including an element for ground trans-
portation and waived registration fees at the 29th CINP
World Congress in Vancouver, Canada.
CINP Ethics Prize in Psychopharmacology
The CINP Ethics Prize in Psychopharmacology recognizes
achievements in research in ethics in psychopharmacology,
in promotion of public awareness of ethics in psychophar-
macology and contributions to the world wide solution of
problems in ethical practice of psychopharmacology. The
recipient of this award will be chosen by the Ethics Prize
Committee, an international committee of experts in the
field in the beginning of March 2014. Applicants must be
nominated by a CINP member and include a CV and one to
three page statement of the justification of the nomination.
The successful applicant will receive complimentary regis-
tration and up to four nights’ accommodation at the con-
gress hotel.
How to apply
Nominations for all the awards must be submitted by
10 January 2014
and sent to the CINP Central Office. Please complete and re-
turn the appropriate form to apply for the awards. Judges will
make their decision on all applications by March 2014.
Please encourage your colleagues to apply for these awards.
Further details of the CINP awards can be found on the
respective application forms in this brochure, please see
from page 31.
CINP Awards
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