Final Announcement - page 26

29th CINP World
Congress 2014
congress Registration
Please register online for CINP 2014 at
Registration fee for members, non-members, young scien-
tists, delegates from developing countries and students
Admission to all scientific sessions
Admission to Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
Admission to poster exhibition and technical exhibition
Congress materials, such as Final Programme
Registration fee for accompanying persons includes:
Admission to Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception
Tour “Photographic Tour of Vancouver”, 3 hrs on Sun-
day or Monday
Registration Conditions
The binding booking, payment and cancellation conditions
of the CINP congress registrations are published on the
congress website. Please refer to
Congress Office
Please register online for CINP 2014. You may also use the
enclosed registration form. Should you require additional
registration forms, please copy this form. Please return the
completed registration form as soon as possible in order to
benefit from the lower registration fee by mail or by fax to:
Office Hamburg
Hanser & Co GmbH
Po Box 12 21
22882 Barsbüttel, Germany
Phone: +49 – 40 – 670 88 20
Fax: +49 – 40 – 670 32 83
Upon receipt of the registration and the corresponding
payment, the congress office will send a confirmation to
the participant which also serves as an invoice. Please
present this confirmation of registration at the congress
counter when picking up your congress material.
Who is Who
Their consent provided, delegates will be given the possi-
bility to have their name, institution, city and country listed
in the list of participants published on the internet. Upon
request a direct link to the homepage of the participant or
his / her institution can be installed.
When registering for the CINP World Congress 2014
please arrange payment of the registration fee. All pay-
ments must be made in EUR. We recommend credit card
payment. All bank collection fees are in the sole responsi-
bility of the registrant.
Credit card (AMEX, Eurocard /Mastercard, VISA)
Bank transfer to the congress bank account:
Hanser & Co w/CINP 2014 ZB
HSH Nordbank AG
IBAN: DE38 2105 0000 1001 2457 83
Cancellation Policy
In case of cancellation, please notify the congress office in
writing only. A full refund (minus an administrative charge of
EUR 100) will be given for cancellations received until 5 Feb-
ruary 2014. After 5 February 2014, no refunds will be given.
Registration and payment received
– fees valid since 2010 –
until 5 February 2014 until 20 May 2014 after 20 May 2014
CINP Member
EUR 500
EUR 600
EUR 700
EUR 700
EUR 800
EUR 900
Young Scientist *
EUR 300
EUR 350
EUR 400
Delegate from Developing Country **
EUR 200
EUR 220
EUR 240
Student ***
EUR 110
EUR 130
EUR 150
Accompanying Persons
EUR 90
EUR 90
EUR 90
* Applicants must be under 35 years of age and a copy of passport or other government-issued ID must be forwarded along with the
** Developing Countries: A limited number of developing countries registrations are available. To be eligible, you must reside in one of
the countries, as classified by the World Bank. The valid list is published at
*** Students aged less than 35 years who are studying for a degree including first degrees, PhD or MD but who have not yet obtained
their degree. They must supply a letter from their supervisor or laboratory head to support their application for this reduced fee.
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