Final Announcement - page 3

29th CINP World
Congress 2014
Highlights of the 2014 CINP World Congress
Dear Colleagues,
CINP-Vancouver 2014 is less than 12 months away and I urge you to prepare your abstracts, make
the necessary travel plans and take advantage of early registration rates.
The most compelling reason to choose CINP-Vancouver 2014, as the destination for your major in-
ternational professional activity next year is the quality of the Scientific Program. As highlighted in
this announcement you can select froma wide range of topics of immediate relevance to neuropsycho­
pharmacology as focused on both discovery and clinical practice. Thirty-six symposia form the
nucleus of the program and they are complimented with Plenary Lectures by renowned colleagues
whose discoveries, involving optogenetics, precise descriptions of receptor and transporter func-
tion, novel neurotransmitters or innovations in clinical practice, are transforming the treatments of
devastating psychiatric and neurological conditions.
We have paid particular attention to your comfort, health and safety during your stay. A recent sur-
vey by the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked Vancouver as the 3
most livable city overall, for the
second year in a row. Similarly, many of the hotels reserved for your accommodation are amongst
the best in the world and are located within a short distance from the Convention Centre. Walking
and cycling are encouraged by a continuous public seawall that links the meeting place with the
perimeter of Stanley Park, a green jewel at the doorstep of downtown Vancouver.
I hope all that CINP-Vancouver 2014 has to offer will intrigue you and I look forward to welcoming
you and your colleagues from around the globe to another memorable CINP World Congress.
See you in June 2014!
Best wishes,
Welcome Address
Anthony Phillips
Prof. Anthony Phillips
CINP and Congress President
Prof. Brian Dean
Chair of the CINP International
Scientific Programme Committee
Brian Dean
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