Final Announcement - page 34

CINP Pioneers in Psychopharmacology Award
The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology
The Award is given at each Congress to three individuals to honour those who have made major contributions to the field
as it has developed. The contributions may be in research, clinical, or administrative areas but must be internationally
recognized as significant to the growth of the field. Pioneer Awardees receive round trip economy air travel and accom-
modation at the 29th Congress in Vancouver, paid registration fees and appropriate recognition at the meeting.
Previous Pioneers
012: William Bunney (USA), Karl Rickels (USA), Moussa L. Youdim (Israel)
2010: Per Bech (Denmark), Salomon Langer (Israel), Teruo Okuma (Japan)
2008: Jean-Pierre Changeux, (France), Samuel Gershon, (USA) and Hannah Steinberg, (UK)
2006: Leonard Cook, (USA), Fridolin Sulser, (USA), Merton Sandler, (UK)
2004: Hanns Hippius (Germany), Alfred Pletscher (Switzerland) and Herman M. van Praag (The Netherlands)
2002: Frank Ayd, Jr. (USA), Arvid Carlsson (Sweden) and Jonathan Cole (USA)
The Executive Committee selects these individuals and is soliciting candidates from psychopharmacologists around the
world. Send a letter by any mode to the President, Anthony Phillips, c/o CINP Central Office proposing any nomination
and the reasons why this person should be considered for an award, with details of their principal contributions to psy-
chopharmacology by
10 January 2014
Please send your nominations to Anthony Phillips at the following address:
CINP Central Office
Pioneer Award
Glenfinnan Suite, Braeview House, 9/11 Braeview Place
East Kilbride, Glasgow, G74 3XH
Scotland, UK
+ 44 (0) 1355 244930
Fax: + 44 (0) 1355 249959
Please note that all Nomination documents will b
e copied for submission or to distribute to others.
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