Final Announcement - page 35

Rafaelson Young Investigators award
The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology
In 1986 Ole Rafaelsen and William Bunney were instrumental in establishing a CINP programme supporting the atten-
dance of young scientists at the XVth CINP Congress in 1986. That programme was posthumously named the Rafaelsen
Fellowship Award to honor Dr. Rafaelsen, who died in 1987.
The recipients of the 29th Congress Awards will be chosen by an international scientific jury by early March 2014.
A number of Awardees will be selected and presented with Awards consisting of round trip economy air travel, up to four
nights accommodation, a certificate, a cash stipend including an element for ground transportation and waived registra-
tion fees at the 29th CINP Congress in Vancouver, Canada.
The Young Investigator Awards are open to individual’s world-wide, independent of nationality, sex or race.
Applications must be sponsored by a CINP member.
Those nominated may be researchers or clinicians, but must have made a commitment to the field of
Individuals must have a doctorate degree, be working full-time in neuropsychopharmacology research, teaching, or
clinical activities, have not reached his/her 36th birthday in the year in which the award is made (i.e., no older
than 35 years of age as of 31 December 2014).
Each Awardee must commit to present a poster at the 2014 Congress.
The Awardee must commit to attendance at the 2014 Congress for at least three full days.
To submit a nomination, the following application materials must be submitted by email or hard copy
in English, by the
10 January 2014
The nominee’s curriculum vitae including a list of publications.
A 500-word statement which summarizes the nominee’s current work activity and explains the basis for the nomination,
and include a statement of agreement to present a poster.
Sponsor’s letter of recommendation.
This completed application form.
Full name of nominee:
Date of Birth:
I hereby confirm that my application is complete and that I subscribe to all regulations governing the Rafaelsen Fellow-
ship Award. You can submit your application by email, fax or post.
Current date:
Nominee’s Signature:
Please return completed applications to:
Pierre Blier, Chair, Fellowship & Awards Committee
Rafaelsen Young Investigators Award
CINP Central Office
Glenfinnan Suite, Braeview House, 9/11 Braeview Place
East Kilbride, Glasgow, G74 3XH
Scotland, UK
Tel: + 44 (0) 1355 244930
Fax: + 44 (0) 1355 249959
This application will be copied for submission or to distribute to others.
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