Final Announcement - page 4

29th CINP World
Congress 2014
The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology
(CINP) is a truly worldwide organisation established over
50 years ago with its registered office in Zurich, Switzer-
land. Membership is on an individual basis and we offer
members the opportunity to become part of this know­
ledgeable group of scientists who work at the international
level. Holding regular meetings in the form of Thematic
Meetings, Regional Meetings, Training Programmes, Think
Tank and the Biennial World Congress, CINP reaches inter-
ested researchers all over the world. CINP is dedicated to
promoting research and education on a worldwide basis.
The Executive Committee and Councillors of CINP are nom-
inated by the membership and serve as officers of the Col-
lege for a minimum of four years. These individuals cover a
wide range of disciplines within the field from psychiatrists,
CINP Executive Committee
2012 – 2014
Anthony Phillips, Canada
Past President
Hans-Jürgen Möller, Germany
Vice President
Jeffrey Lieberman, USA
Alexandra Sulcova, Czech Republic
President Elect
Shigeto Yamawaki, Japan
Siegfried Kasper, Austria
Brian Dean, Australia
Philip J. Cowen, UK
Elias Eriksson, Sweden
Alan Frazer, USA
Nancy Y. Ip, Hong Kong
Klaus-Peter Lesch, Germany
Philip Mitchell, Australia
Dan Rujescu, Germany
Barbara Sahakian, UK
Toshikazu Saito, Japan
Gustavo Turecki, Canada
Gregers Wegener, Denmark
CINP International Scientific
Programme Committtee
Brian Dean, Australia
Co-Chair: Pierre Blier, Canada
Philip J. Cowen, UK
Elias Eriksson, Sweden
Alan Frazer, USA
Anthony Grace, USA
Nancy Y. Ip, Hong Kong
Shitij Kapur, UK
Siegfried Kasper, Austria
Jun Soo Kwon, Korea
Klaus-Peter Lesch, Germany
Marco Leyton, Canada
Jeffrey Lieberman, USA
Brian MacVicar, Canada
Philip Mitchell, Australia
Hans-Jürgen Möller, Germany
Anthony Phillips, Canada
Dan Rujescu, Germany
Barbara Sahakian, UK
Toshikazu Saito, Japan
Alexandra Sulcova, Czech Republic
Gustavo Turecki, Canada
Gregers Wegener, Denmark
Shigeto Yamawaki, Japan
Local Organising Committee
Chairs: Lakshmi Yatham, Vancouver
Michael Krausz, Vancouver
Glen Baker, Edmonton
Pierre Blier, Ottawa
Stan Floresco, Vancouver
William Honer, Vancouver
Xin-Min Li, Edmonton
Brian MacVicar, Vancouver
Anthony Phillips, Vancouver
Christian Schutz, Vancouver
Samuel Weiss, Calgary
Brief Description of CINP / Committees and Organisers
psychopharmacologists, basic and clinical researchers and
clinical psychologists. CINP relies on its many subcommit-
tees who undertake a variety of activities for the College.
Membership of the College is available to any qualified per-
son to apply for. Membership applications are reviewed by
a dedicated committee on a regular basis.
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
(IJNP) with a steadily increasing impact factor, has become
a sought after publication. Articles are received and re-
viewed independently and are published after a rigorous
review process.
For more information about the College please go to our
interactive website at
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