Final Announcement - page 9

29th CINP World
Congress 2014
Brief biography of Plenary Speakers
tuesday, 24 June 2014
14:00 – 14:45
Plenary Lecture
Brain science using iPS cell technology and transgenic non-human primates
Hideyuki Okano, Japan
Hideyuki Okano received a M.D. in Physiology from Keio University in 1983, and served as a re-
search associate in Keio University School of Medicine and in Osaka University Institute for Protein
Research. After he obtained his Ph.D. degree from Keio University in 1988, he held a post doctoral
position at Johns Hopkins University Medical School. He was appointed a full professor at Tsukuba
University School of Medicine in 1994, Osaka University School of Medicine in 1997, and returned
to Keio University Medical School in 2001 as a full professor of Physiology. He has been conducting
basic research in the field of restorative medicine including, neural stem cells and iPS cells, spinal
cord injury, developmental genetics and RNA binding proteins. He has been awarded numerous
awards and honors including the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2009. Currently, his aim is to estab-
lish and provide genetically modified non-human primate models for neuroscience research and to
explore the molecular mechanisms of human-intellectual function by using the marmoset model.
And, together with micro array system and genome sequence information of common marmoset, he
is trying to develop a wide range of research as a model of human diseases including Parkinson’s
disease, ALS and Alzheimer’s diseases, neurophysiology, cognitive science and higher brain func-
tion research by taking advantage of our transgenic technology, thereby addressing discrete ques-
tions regarding neurobiological bases of human-intellectual function.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
09:00 – 09:45
Plenary Lecture
Clinical staging: Towards utility in diagnosis and clarity in neurobiological understanding
in psychiatry
Patrick D. McGorry, Australia
Patrick D. McGorry is Professor of Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne and Director
of Orygen Youth Health and Orygen Youth Health Research Centre in Victoria, Australia.
Prof. Mc­Gorry is a world-leading clinician, researcher, and reformer in the areas of early psychosis,
early intervention and youth mental health. Prof. McGorry’s work has played an integral role in the
development of safe, effective treatments and innovative research involving the needs of young peo-
ple with emerging mental disorders, notably psychotic and severe mood disorders. The result has
been the creation, evaluation and upscaling of stigma-free, holistic and recovery oriented models of
care for young people and their families. The work of Prof. McGorry and key research colleagues at
EPPIC, Orygen and headspace has influenced health policy in Australia and many other countries.
Prof. McGorry has published over 500 peer-reviewed papers and reviews, over 60 book chapters, and
has edited 6 books. He is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and has been
the recipient of numerous awards, including the Australian Government Centenary Medal in 2003,
the Founders’ Medal of the Australian Society for Psychiatric Research in 2001 and he was the 2010
Australian of the Year. He is current President of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research.
Patrick McGorry
Hideyuki Okano
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