Germany at a Glance

10 Reichstag and Federal Chancellery The Reichstag is the seat of the German Bundestag or federal parliament and, with its new dome, one of Berlin's most popular attractions. Its colourful past reflects the turbulence of German history since the 19 th century. Before the renovation work began in 1994, the building became the stage for one of the most spectacular art events in Europe: it was wrapped by Christo and Jeanne Claude. The glass dome, which was at first the subject of great controversy, has now become one of the newest landmarks in the city. Since 1999 the Reichstag building once again is the seat of the German Bundestag . The Federal Chancellery is one of the most impressive pieces of architecture in the new government precinct. This large white edifice is part of the “ribbon of the govern- ment” that stretches across the river Spree, and it also stands in architectonic dialogue with the historic Reichstag building. • • Holocaust Memorial and Topography of Terror The Holocaust Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe is a site of commemoration of the 6 mio. victims. Designed by the famous architect Peter Eisenman and located between Brandenburg Gate and Potsdamer Platz it consists of the Field of Stelae and a subterranean exhibition area documenting the persecution and extermi- nation of the European Jews. Located between Martin-Gropius-Bau and Potsdamer Platz and also along a part of the further Berlin Wall the Topography of Terror has been built up on the area of the most important headquarters of Nazi crime: the Secret State Police Office, the SS leader- ship, the Reich Security Main Office. Today the site documents the history of the area, the institutions of the terror located near the Nazi governmental district and the crimes committed all over the European continent. The exhibition center is completed by 15 stations of information outside. • • 6 5 87

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