Germany at a Glance

31 Frankfurt am Main Sights & Culture Natural History Museum Senckenberg The Natural History Museum Senckenberg presents itself more attractive than ever. From 2003, the venerable old building dating back to 1907, with its extensive exhibition of evolution of organismus and the change of the planet earth, was lavishly modernised. The Museum offers one of the most important natural history collections in Europe. • Städel Museum The Städel, founded in 1815 by the Frankfurt banker and merchant Johann Friedrich Städel, is an art museum in Frankfurt am Main, with one of the most important collections in Germany. The Städel owns 2,700 paintings (of which 600 are displayed) and a collection of 100,000 drawings and prints as well as 600 sculptures. It has around 4,000 m² of display and a library of 100,000 books and 400 periodicals. The Städel has European paintings from seven centuries – amoung them famous works from Van Eyck, Angelico, Hieronymus Bosch, Botticelli, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Degas, Beckmann and many more. It also displays regularly special exhibitions. An impressive hall located beneath the Städel garden recently opened with additional exhibition space for the presen- tation of contemporary art. The new gallery is illuminated with natural light through 195 skylights which creates a striking pattern on the garden's lawn. • 5 6

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