Germany at a Glance

49 Zwinger & Old Masters Picture Gallery Originally built 1710–1728 and designed as an orangery and a setting for court festivities, the Zwinger was later also used for exhibi- tions. It is one of the most perfect example of Late Baroque architecture in Germany. The Zwinger houses the Old Masters Picture Gallery, the Armory and the Porce- lain Collection. The Old Masters Picture Gallery is world- famous. Core areas within the collection include Italian Renaissance painting, with works by Raphael, Giorgione and Titian, and Mannerist and Baroque painting. Equally significant are the collections of 17 th century Dutch and Flemish painting, with works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Rubens and Van Dyck. In addition the gallery shows masterpieces of early German and early Dutch paintings by artists including Van Eyck, Dürer, Cranach and Holbein. The museum also possesses outstanding works by 17 th century Spanish and French painters. • Dresden Sights The Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche) Also known as “The Church of Our Lady”, the Frauenkirch e is one of the most important sights of Dresden. During World War II the church was badly damaged. With much effort and talent it was rebuilt years later. Since its reopening, the Frauenkirche is considered as an impressive symbol of reconciliation and hope; currently it is supported by many donations from inter- national foundations. • 1 2

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