Hauptprogramm/Final Program DGKN23
PROGRAMMÜBERSICHT PROGRAM AT A GLANCE | DONNERSTAG, 2. MÄRZ THURSDAY, MARCH 2 HS N55 HS N43 HS N30 HS W30 SR 14 N27 Raum310/11N55 Raum 312 N55 d Opening 08:30–09:30 08:30–14:00 08:30–10:30 KL-01 S.16 The Thermody- namics of Mind MK-01 S.52 EEG PK-01A S.52 Sonografie pe- ripherer Ner- ven und Muskeln (Hands-on- Training) 09:45–11:15 S-01 S.16 The Role of Exci- tation/Inhibi- tion-Balance in Cortical Network Dynamics… S-02 S.16 Language and Communication: Neurophysiolog- ical basis, map- ping and… S-03 S.17 Freezing of gait – phenomenologi- cal, pathophysio- logical and ther- apeutical… S-04 S.17 tDCS in focal ep- ilepsy – from ba- sic physiology to new treatment devices 11:00–13:00 PK-02A S.53 B-Bild- Sonografie des Gehirns 11:30–13:00 IndS-01 S.76 Alexion IndS-02 S.76 Alnylam 11:45–14:45 MK-03 S.54 EP mit MEP – In- dikationen und belastbare Be- funde für klin- ische Entschei- dungen 13:30–15:30 PK-01B S.55 Sonographie pe- ripherer Ner- ven und Muskeln (Hands-on- Training) 14:30–16:00 14:45–16:30 KK-15 S.56 Funktionsdiagnos- tik des autonomen Nervensystems S-05 S.18 A view on the brain (looking at the connec- tions) S-06 S.19 Modulating brain networks using advanced tran- scranial mag- netic stimulation methodology S-07 S.19 Cognition in temporal lobe epilepsy: Inter- play between ep- ileptic network activity,… S-08 S.20 Hot Abstracts 15:00–16:30 S-32 S.20 Habilitierten- symposium 1 16:00–18:00 PK-02B S.56 B-Bild-Sonogra- fie des Gehirns 16:30–18:00 16:45–18:15 KK-16 S.57 Neurophysiologi- sche Diagnostik der Motoneuron- erkrankungen S-09 S.21 Cortical network dynamics under- lying the entrain- ment of brain rhythms… S-10 S.22 Modulation of brain networks with transcranial electrical stimu- lation:… S-11 S.22 Apollo’s Gift and Curse: Making Music as a model for Adaptive and Maladaptive… S-12 S.23 Assessing and Modulating Stroke affected Networks S-33 S.23 Habilitierten- symposium 2 d AwardCeremony 18:30–19:30 KL-02 S.24 The Brain in Action – through the lens of… Postersessions/Gebäude N55 13:15–14:35 S.35 Raum 202 Raum 306 Raum 205 Raum 309 Raum 212 Raum 206 Raum 313 PS-01 Perception PS-02 Decision making/ E-I modulation PS-03 Motor Control PS-04 Parkinson‘s disease PS-05 Epilepsy PS-06 Schizo- phrenia/perso nality disorder PS-07 TMS/DBS 10
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