Hauptprogramm/Final Program DGKN23
PROGRAMMÜBERSICHT PROGRAM AT A GLANCE | FREITAG, 3. MÄRZ FRIDAY, MARCH 3 HS N55 HS N43 HS N30 HS W30 SR 14 N27 Raum310/11N55 Raum 312 N55 d AwardCeremony 08:30–09:30 08:30–10:00 KL-03 S.24 Keynote Ed Bull- more MK-05 S.59 Ultraschall – Nerv/Muskel PK-03 S.59 Sonografie von Gefäßen (Hands- on-Training) 09:45–11:15 S-13 S.24 Multi-scale re- cordings of neu- ronal activity in patients with movement… S-14 S.25 Brain network dynamics of dif- ferent levels of consciousness awareness and… S-15 S.25 Considering in- ter-individual variance in neu- romodulation makes effects… S-16 S.26 Modeling large- scale brain net- works and their disconnection in neurological… 10:30–12:00 KK-13 S.61 Engpasssyndrome und fokale Neuro- pathien – interdis- ziplinär PK-04 S.60 Periphere Elek- trophysiologie 11:30–13:00 11:30–12:30 IndS-03 S.77 Horizon IndS-04 S.77 Abbott 11:45–13:15 INT-14 S.73 Mitglieder- versammlung 12:00–18:30 ST-01 S.69 EEG-Seminar des FNTA e.V. 12:30–19:30 MK-04 S.62 Ultraschall – Gefäße 14:30–16:00 14:45–16:30 14:45–16:15 JKN-02 S.65 Neurografie für Einsteiger (Hands-on) PRS-01 S.27 Dynamic func- tional connec- tivity – causative or epiphenom- enal? S-17 S.27 Recent advances in EEG and simul- taneous EEG-fM- RI to assess brain network dynam- ics… S-18 S.27 Differences and commonalities of structure-func- tion-behaviour re- lationships in neu- ropsychiatric… S-19 S.28 Phase-specif- ic non-inva- sive stimulation for tremor dis- orders 16:30–18:00 16:45–18:15 JKN-01 S.66 EMG für Einstei- ger (Hands‑on) S-20 S.28 Transcranial magnetic stimu- lation in animal models and hu- mans… S-21 S.29 Advanced Neu- roimaging bei neurodegenera- tiven Erkrankun- gen… S-22 S.29 Same same, but different – com- mon aspects of neural network dynamics… S-23 S.30 Beyond depres- sion – neue In- dikationen zur Anwendung der rTMS d AwardCeremony 18:30–19:30 KL-04 S.30 Stroke: Brain Networks and Behavior Postersessions/Gebäude N55 13:15–14:35 S.41 Raum 306 Raum 202 Raum 309 Raum 205 Raum 301 Raum 212 Raum 313 PS-10 Development/ learning PS-11 Parkinson’s dis- ease/PSP PS-12 Dystonia/other motor disorders PS-13 Ischemia/stroke PS-14 Mood disorders/cogni- tive impairment PS-15 Modeling of net- work dynamics… PS-16 tACS/tDCS 12
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