Hauptprogramm/Final Program DGKN23
PROGRAMMÜBERSICHT PROGRAM AT A GLANCE | SAMSTAG, 4. MÄRZ SATURDAY, MARCH 4 HS N55 HS N43 HS N30 HS W30 Raum310/11N55 08:30–10:15 08:30–13:30 S-24 S.30 Dynamic network modulation with tACS S-25 S.31 Sensorimotor network connectivity and plastici- ty challenging intraope- rative neuromonitoring S-26 S.31 Von der Neurophysio- logie zur Diagnose und Therapie – funktionel- le neurologische Bewe- gungsstörungen als Mo- delerkrankung S-27 S.32 Hot Abstracts MK-02 S.67 EMG/NLG d Award Ceremony 10:30–11:30 KL-05 S.32 Neural dynamics of the primate attention... 11:45–13:15 S-28 S.33 Pupil-indexed neuro- modulatory influences on cortical dynamics and cognition S-29 S.33 Neurophysiologie (sub-) kortikaler Strukturen – Gedächtnis, Wahrneh- mung und dysregulier- ten Netzwerke... S-30 S.34 Structural and function- al brain networks in ag- ing and neurovascular diseases S-31 S.34 Modulation of brain net- works for motor and cognitive functions with neurostimulation... 14
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