Hauptprogramm/Final Program DGKN23
WISSENSCHAFTLICHES PROGRAMM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM | DONNERSTAG, 2. MÄRZ THURSDAY, MARCH 2 Donnerstag, 2. März / Thursday, March 2 08:30–08:45 HÖRSAAL N55 OC-01: Eröffnungsveranstaltung / Opening Ceremony Eröffnung durch den Kongresspräsidenten Andreas K. Engel (Hamburg/DE) Grußwort der Dekanin des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf Blanche Schwappach-Pignataro (Hamburg/DE) 08:45–09:30 HÖRSAAL N55 Chair: KL-01: Keynote-Session Andreas K. Engel (Hamburg/DE) 08:45 The Thermodynamics of Mind Gustavo Deco (Barcelona/ES) 09:45–11:15 HÖRSAAL N55 Chairs: S-01: Symposium The Role of Excitation/Inhibition-Balance in Cortical Network Dynamics: From Physiology to Cognition to Clinical Symptoms Peter Uhlhaas (Berlin/DE) Philipp Sterzer (Basel/CH) 09:50 Electrophysiological and behavioural markers of E/I balance in patients with schizophrenia Philipp Sterzer (Basel/CH) 10:10 Impact of E/I shifts on cortical circuit dynamics and cognitive computation Tobias Donner (Hamburg/DE) 10:30 The role of E/I-balance in brain development and emergening psychosis Peter Uhlhaas (Berlin/DE) 10:50 Dopamine-glutamate interaction and schizophrenia: Multimodal imaging with fMRI, PET and MRS Jürgen Gallinat (Hamburg/DE) 09:45–11:15 HÖRSAAL N43 Chairs: S-02: Symposium Language and Communication: Neurophysiological basis, mapping and (intraoperative) monitoring Carolin Weiß Lucas (Köln/DE) Thomas Picht (Berlin/DE) 09:50 Functional hippocampo-cortical networks subserve working memory Johannes Sarnthein (Zürich/CH) 16
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