Hauptprogramm/Final Program DGKN23
DO., 2. MÄRZ THU, MARCH 2 FREITAG, 3. MÄRZ FRIDAY, MARCH 3 13:45 A clinical cue to the early recognition of TTR-Amyloid Neuropathy Fabiola Escolano Lozano (Mainz/DE) 13:55 Efficacy and safety of ravulizumab in adults with anti-aquaporin-4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: outcomes from the phase 3 CHAMPION-NMOSD trial Thomas Hoernes (München/DE) 14:05 Characterization of subclinical optic nerve magnetic resonance imaging lesions in the N-Momentum trial Friedemann Paul (Berlin/DE) 14:15 Association of B cell subsets and aquaporin-4 antibody titers with disease activity in participants in the N-MOmentum trial receiving inebilizumab treatment Friedemann Paul (Berlin/DE) Freitag, 3. März / Friday, March 3 13:15–14:35 RAUM 306 (N55) PS-10: Postersitzung Development/Learning 13:15 EEG biomarkers based on task-related and resting state oscillatory activity for classifying sight restored individuals Max Emanuel Feucht (Amsterdam/NL) 13:25 Sound alters earliest visual cortical processing in sight-restored humans Suddha Sourav (Hamburg/DE) 13:35 Development of oscillatory and aperiodic resting state activity is linked to a sensitive period in humans José P. Ossandón (Hamburg/DE) 13:45 Stimulus-evoked and resting-state alpha oscillations are jointly reduced in sight recovery individuals with a history of a congenital blindness Rashi Pant (Hamburg/DE) 13:55 Using machine learning to decode the dynamics of magneto encephalography signals in a multisensory conditioning paradigm Lei Wang (Hamburg/DE) 14:05 Multiverse analysis of longitudinal changes in sensorimotor functional connectivity during brain-computer interface training Nikolai Kapralov (Leipzig/DE) 41
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