Hauptprogramm/Final Program DGKN23

POSTERSITZUNGEN  POSTER SESSIONS  | FREITAG, 3. MÄRZ  FRIDAY, MARCH 3 14:05 Structural state of mesocorticolimbic brain structures is associated with functional outcome after severe stroke Liv Asmussen (Hamburg/DE) 14:15 Validation of structural disconnection mapping Max Wawrzyniak (Leipzig/DE) 14:25 Stiripentol protects against cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in a mouse model of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion Gesine Reichart (Rostock/DE) 13:15–14:35 RAUM 301 (N55) PS-14:Postersitzung Mood disorders/Cognitive impairment 13:15 Frontal theta connectivity related to rumination in major depressive disorder Saskia Steinmann (Hamburg/DE) 13:25 Robustness of electroencephalography biomarkers for major depressive disorder – an exemplary study with alpha bandpower Alexandra Reichenbach (Heilbronn/DE) 13:35 All is well during remission? Static and dynamic functional connectivity in euthymic bipolar disorder Luisa Klahn (Göteborg/SE) 13:45 Childhood adversity interacts with the relationship among brain network dynamics, cortisol and subjective status after an acute psychosocial stressor Tara Chand (Jena/DE) 13:55 Olfactory dysfunction contributes to impaired developmental hippocam- pal-prefrontal activity in a mouse model of neuropsychiatric disorders Fiona Parbst (Hamburg/DE) 14:05 Cortical dynamics of working memory maintenance in human aging Gina Monov (Hamburg/DE) 14:15 Environmental enrichment during early life rescues functional and behavioral deficits in a mouse model of psychiatric disorders Karolin Buchert (Hamburg/DE) 14:25 Effects of combining non-invasive brain stimulation and cognitive training to improve implicit memory in healthy versus cognitively impaired elderly people Lukas Diedrich (Göttingen/DE) 44

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