DGPPN 2018 Programm
271 CONTENT 323 | GENERAL INFORMATION 324 | Registration Fees 325 | Abstracts 325 | Business Center 325 | Cash Machine 325 | Cloakroom 325 | CME Certificates 325 | CO CONGRESS ONLINE ® 325 | Congress and Exhibition Office 325 | Congress App 326 | Congress Counter 326 | Congress Kindergarten 326 | Congress Language 326 | Congress Organiser 326 | Congress Venue 326 | DGPPN Booth and Lounge 326 | Disclosure Information 327 | Exhibitions 327 | Internet Service 327 | Lunch 327 | Media Center 327 | Name Badges 328 | Networking Reception 328 | Parking 328 | Press Office 328 | Programme Changes 328 | Taxis 328 | Video and Sound Recording 329 | AUTHORS' INDEX BACK COVER: Floorplan of the CityCube Berlin As per 18 October 2018 You may find the current congress programme at www.dgppnkongress.de / en
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