DGPPN 2018 Programm
281 OVERVIEW BY TOPICS PROGRAMME OVERVIEW BY TOPICS topic 1: Neurocognitive disorders, organic mental disorders, dementia, F0 ST-36 (e) | State-of-the-Art- Symposium 301 Dementia P-21 (e) | Poster Presentation 304 Neurocognitive disorders, organic mental disorders, dementia topic 2: Mental disorders due to psychotropic substances, behavioural addictions, F1 P-23 (e) | Posters Presentation 305 Addictive disorders topic 3: Psychotic disorders, F2 S-221 (e) | Symposium 295 Catatonia: an under-researched and for- gotten–but frequent –neuropsychiatric phenotype –Symposium of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina L-09 (e) | Lecture 296 Discussions with voices: the AVATAR clinical trial S-123 (e) | Symposium 297 Impact of aerobic exercise training interventions in individuals with schizo- phrenia: cognition, everyday function- ing and physical health ST-30 (e) | State-of-the-Art- Symposium 299 Psychotic Disorders S-228 (e) | Symposium 301 Drug addiction in schizophrenia: medi- um spiny neurons and brain structures adaptations in response to antipsychot- ics and psychotistimulants P-25 (e) | Poster Presentation 306 Psychotic disorders topic 4: Affective disorders, F3 ST-06 (e) | State-of-the-Art- Symposium 292 Recent developments in the treatment of unipolar depressions S-051 (e) | Symposium 293 Neural markers of treatment response in major depression S-069 (e) | Symposium 294 Depressive disorders in people with type 2 diabetes S-109 (e) | Symposium 296 Early adversity and inflammation in stress-related psychiatric disorders P-22 (e) | Poster Presentation 309 Affective disorders topic 8: Disorders closely related to childhood and adolescence, F7-9 S-027 (e) | Symposium 292 Children of parents with mental disor- ders: the current state of knowledge L-06 (e) | Lecture 295 From early intervention to transition: evidence-based reform of youth mental health services P-24 (e) | Poster Presentation 310 Disorders closely related to childhood and adolescence topic 9: Comorbidity of mental and somatic disorders, psychosomatics S-179 (e) | Symposium 298 Psychosomatics matters: a somatic / psychiatric collaborative effort
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