DGPPN 2018 Programm
282 OVERVIEW BY TOPICS topic 12: Epidemiology, risk factors and cross-disorder mechanisms S-209 (e) | Symposium 299 Mental health care in Europe circa 2018: tales and lessons from 4 European countries S-223 (e) | Symposium 300 Psychiatric diseases –how are they per- ceived in different cultures? A report of four studies from Germany and Kenya P-26 (e) | Poster Presentation 310 Risk factors and prevention eP-02 (e) | ePoster Presentation | Terminal 2 315 Epidemiology, diagnostics and interdis- ciplinary interventions eP-04 (e) | ePoster Presentation | Terminal 2 316 Disorder-specific research topic 13: Brain imaging, neurophysiology, neuro- psychology S-026 (e) | Symposium 292 Towards a second-person neuropsy- chiatry: pharmacological and neural underpinnings of social interaction S-224 (e) | Symposium 301 The social brain in neuropsychiatric disorders P-27 (e) | Poster Presentation 307 Brain imaging, neurophysiology, neuro- psychology P-28 (e) | Poster Presentation 312 Brain imaging, neurophysiology, neuro- psychology, neurobiology topic 14: Neurobiology and genetics S-056 (e) | Symposium 294 Psychosocial and genetic determinants of brain structure and activation S-077 (e) | Symposium 295 Translational approaches in neurode- velopmental disorders: bridging the gap between gene discovery and neural circuits S-117 (e) | Symposium 297 A highway to scientific progress: inter- national and national consortia topic 15: Diagnostics and classification S-054 (e) | Symposium 294 Computational and predictive data analysis approaches in psychiatry: too difficult for psychiatrists or the way to go towards personalized treatment? topic 16: Psychotherapy P-29 (e) | Poster Presentation 308 Psychotherapy and further therapeutic interventions topic 17: Pharmacotherapy P-30 (e) | Poster Presentation 313 Pharmacotherapy topic 18: Stimulation methods, internet-based interventions and other psychiatric therapies S-215 (e) | Symposium 300 Major depression: identification of translational aspects with therapeutic relevance
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