DGPPN 2018 Programm
283 OVERVIEW BY TOPICS topic 19: Early intervention, prevention and health promotion S-096 (e) | Symposium 296 Mental Health First Aid: how to educate lay persons to be first-aider for mental health crisis L-11 (e) | Lecture 297 Achievement and future perspectives for the early intervention in psychoses S-222 (e) | Symposium 300 Blood-based biomarkers for early and predictive diagnosis of neurodegenera- tive and stress-related disorders topic 21: Community and social psychiatry S-097 (e) | Symposium 296 Designing youth mental health services to improve outcomes in mental health: an international perspective S-193 (e) | Symposium 298 Current perspectives on lesbian and gay mental health topic 22: Health care research and models S-053 (e) | Symposium 293 Forcibly displaced people over Europe: challenges or excessive demands L-14 (e) | Lecture 298 Thrive: How better psychological therapy provision transforms lives and saves money S-175 (e) | Symposium 298 E-mental health innovations and their implementation in Europe S-225 (e) | Symposium 301 The future of the art therapy topic 23: Health care policy S-032 (e) | Symposium 293 Unmet needs in CNS diseases –basis for an action plan of the German Brain Council (GBC) to reach TARGETED EU funding topic 29: Psychiatry and society S-124 (e) | Symposium 297 Human rights promotion in psychiatry S-201 (e) | Symposium 299 Urban living, social stress and mental health topic 30: Other topics L-16 (e) | Lecture 298 Prosocial primates: Empathy in animals and humans
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