DGPPN 2018 Programm
CEREMONIAL OPENING OF THE CONGRESS 28.11.2018 | 10:15–12:00h | Hall A6/7 How does the world work and what will the future bring? The questions and challenges of our society are also of concern to psychiatry. No other medical discipline reacts so directly to societal, social and political developments as psychiatry and psychotherapy. The things that move people also move psychiatry. After all, mental illness is one of the most common diseases of our time and rep- resents a major challenge to our health care system, the working world and society as a whole. One key to meeting these challenges both today and in the future lies in the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge between all parties involved. This is the exact starting point of the DGPPN Congress. We have invited fascinating guests from society, politics and science to the opening ceremony: Introductory lecture Arno Deister, Itzehoe (Germany) President of the DGPPN Welcome address Jens Spahn, Berlin (Germany) Federal Minister of Health Lecture On the ability for self-criticism – the people of Germany and their legacy Jutta Allmendinger, Berlin (Germany) President of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center SPECIAL SESSIONS 286286
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