DGPPN 2018 Programm
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 295 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Q&A Modul D AU E Translation German <-> English 004 Integrating depression and diabetes II management systems – the way for- ward for Kenya David M. Ndetei, Nairobi (Kenya) L-06 (e) Lecture 10:15– 11:15 h | Hall A3 TOPIC 8: Disorders closely related to childhood and adolescence, F7-9 From early intervention to transition: evidence-based reform of youth mental health services Chairs: Fritz Hohagen, Lübeck (Germany) Jörg M. Fegert, Ulm (Germany) Speaker: Swaran P. Singh, Coventry (United Kingdom) S-077 (e) Symposium 10:15– 11:45 h | Hall Paris 2 TOPIC 14: Neurobiology and genetics Translational approaches in neurodevel- opmental disorders: bridging the gap be- tween gene discovery and neural circuits Chairs: Thomas Nickl-Jockschat, Iowa City (USA) Ted Abel, Iowa City (USA) 001 Translational genetics in ADHD and related traits Andreas Reif, Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 002 Male-specific alterations in ERK signaling in mouse models of neurode- velopmental disorders Ted Abel, Iowa City (USA) 003 Linking brain structural changes to spatial gene expression patterns in a genetic mouse model of neurodevelop- mental disorders Thomas Nickl-Jockschat, Iowa City (USA) 004 Observing and being part of social interactions: the neural mechanisms of action control across the autistic spec- trum Leonhard Schilbach, Munich (Germany) S-221 (e) Symposium 10:15– 11:45 h | Hall A8 TOPIC 3: Psychotic disorders, F2 Catatonia: an under-researched and for- gotten–but frequent –neuropsychiatric phenotype –Symposium of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Chairs: Hannelore Ehrenreich, Göttingen (Germany) Peter Falkai, Munich (Germany) 001 Phenotype and classification of catatonia Stephan Heckers, Nashville (USA) 002 Catatonia and the brain–neuronal mechanisms derived from fMRI studies Georg Northoff, Ottawa (Canada) 003 The significance of catatonic featu- res in clinical reality today Peter Falkai, Munich (Germany) 004 Catatonia – starting to understand mechanisms involving myelin and neu- roinflammation Hannelore Ehrenreich, Göttingen (Germany) WV-11 Further Session 13:00– 17:00 h | Hall New York 1 Public event: eMEN D AU E E-mental health in Europe: learning from our neighbours 001 Welcome note Andreas Heinz, Berlin (Germany) 002 Keynote: What difference can e-health make? Markus Müschenich, Berlin (Germany) 003 E-mental health in Europe: a glance into our neighbouring countries Wolfgang Gaebel, Dusseldorf (Germany) 004 Ireland: towards an e-mental health strategy Kevin Cullen, Dublin (Ireland) 005 The Netherlands: what makes the frontrunner successful? Oyono Vlijter, Diemen (The Netherlands) 006 France: what do professionals think of e-mental health? Bianca DeRosario, Lille (France)
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