DGPPN 2018 Programm
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 298 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY › Friday, 30.11.2018 L-14 (e) Lecture 12:00– 13:00 h | Hall A3 TOPIC 22: Health care research and models Thrive: How better psychological therapy provision transforms lives and saves money Chairs: Arno Deister, Itzehoe (Germany) Tania Lincoln, Hamburg (Germany) Speaker: David M. Clark, Oxford (United Kingdom) Award ceremony: DGPPN Award for Health Care Research in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 2018 Laudatio: Arno Deister, Itzehoe (Germany) S-175 (e) Symposium 13:30– 15:00 h | Room M8 TOPIC 22: Health care research and models E-mental health innovations and their implementation in Europe Chairs: Wolfgang Gaebel, Dusseldorf (Germany) Oyono Vlijter, Diemen (The Netherlands) 001 eMEN– Focus on transnational poli- cy solutions Wolfgang Gaebel, Dusseldorf (Germany) 002 eMEN: unlocking the power of technology to improve Europe's mental health Oyono Vlijter, Diemen (The Netherlands) 003 Evaluation criteria for e-mental health Jürgen Zielasek, Cologne (Germany) 005 Wearable technology in mental health II Tom Van Daele, Leuven (Belgium) S-179 (e) Symposium 13:30– 15:00 h | Room Weimar 5 TOPIC 9: Comorbidity of mental and somatic disorders, psychosomatics Psychosomatics matters: a somatic / psychiatric collaborative effort Chairs: Rutger Jan van der Gaag, Arnhem (The Netherlands) Gunta Ancane, Riga (Latvia) 001 The usefulness of the psychosomat- ic approach to the patient Gunta Ancane, Riga (Latvia) 002 Mit wem und worüber möchten Patienten sprechen Bernhard Palmowski, Berlin (Germany) 003 Zur Einführung der Spezialisierung in fachspezifischer psychosomatische Medizin Christian Fazekas, Graz (Austria) 004 Psychosomatics matters and should be a concern to Psychiatrists Rutger Jan van der Gaag, Arnhem (The Netherlands) L-16 (e) Lecture 15:30– 16:30 h | Hall A8 TOPIC 30: Other topics Prosocial primates: Empathy in animals and humans Chairs: Sabine C. Herpertz, Heidelberg (Germany) René Hurlemann, Bonn (Germany) Speaker: Frans B. M. de Waal, Atlanta (USA) S-193 (e) Symposium 15:30– 17:00 h | Room M6 TOPIC 21: Community and social psychiatry Current perspectives on lesbian and gay mental health Chairs: Gene Nakajima, San Francisco (USA) Götz Mundle, Berlin (Germany) 001 The way of the world: how hetero- sexism shapes and distorts gay male sexuality Ronald Hellman, New York (USA)
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