DGPPN 2018 Programm
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 299 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Q&A Modul 002 Integration and acculturation of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans- gender) traumatized refugees in the United States Asher Aladjem, Paterson (USA) 003 Digital mental health: the paradox of disconnected connectedness in gay and bisexual men David Goldenberg, New York (USA) 004 Recent legal achievements and chal- lenges for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people in the so called refugee crisis in Austria Moritz Mühlbacher, Salzburg (Austria) ST-30 (e) State-of-the-Art-Symposium 17:15– 18:45 h | Room M8 TOPIC 3: Psychotic disorders, F2 Psychotic Disorders Chairs: Peter Falkai, Munich (Germany) Christoph U. Correll, Berlin (Germany) / New York (USA) 001 Non-pharmacological interventions in schizophrenia: state of the art and further directions Peter Falkai, Munich (Germany) 002 Pharmacotherapy for people with schizophrenia: weighing the options Christoph U. Correll, Berlin (Germany) / New York (USA) S-201 (e) Symposium 17:15– 18:45 h | Hall A5 TOPIC 29: Psychiatry and society Urban living, social stress and mental health Chair: Mazda Adli, Berlin (Germany) 001 Urban upbringing as risk factor for mental health problems and underlying neural mechanisms Laura Daedelow, Berlin (Germany) 002 Psychosocial stressors affecting urban and rural communities in South Africa: towards equalizing access to mental health services Solly Rataemane, Ga-Rankuwa (South Africa) 003 Neural and behavioral correlates of urban risk and resilience factors Heike Tost, Mannheim (Germany) 004 Preventing social stress in urban environments Mazda Adli, Berlin (Germany) S-209 (e) Symposium 17:15– 18:45 h | Room Weimar 3 TOPIC 12: Epidemiology, risk factors and cross-disorder mechanisms Mental health care in Europe circa 2018: tales and lessons from 4 European countries Chairs: Thomas Becker, Günzburg (Germany) Giovanni de Girolamo, Brescia (Italy) 001 Mental health care in Italy: critical lessons 40 years from the 1980 reform law Giovanni de Girolamo, Brescia (Italy) 002 Integrated community mental health care in Andalusia, Spain Berta Moreno-Küstner, Malaga (Spain) 003 Mental health care in Austria: the current situation and prospects for the future Johannes Wancata, Vienna (Austria) 004 Mental health care in Germany: psy- chiatric reform and current challenges Thomas Becker, Günzburg (Germany)
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