DGPPN 2018 Programm
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 300 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY › Saturday, 01.12.2018 S-215 (e) Symposium 08:30– 10:00 h | Hall A4 TOPIC 18: Stimulation methods, internet- based interventions and other psychiatric therapies Major depression: identification of translational aspects with therapeutic relevance › Section Experimental Stimulation Tech- niques in Psychiatry Chairs: Thomas E. Schläpfer, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) Alexander Sartorius, Mannheim (Germany) 001 Development of dysfunctional sub- networks in major depression– influence of the social and genetic environment Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Mannheim (Germany) 002 Diffusion tensor imaging of affecti- ve networks – research based interven- tions Volker Arnd Coenen, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) 003 Network based interventions for major depression– state of the art Sarah Kayser, Mainz (Germany) 004 Contribution of animal models to the development network-based inter- ventions Alexander Sartorius, Mannheim (Germany) S-222 (e) Symposium 08:30– 10:00 h | Room M4 TOPIC 19: Early intervention, prevention and health promotion Blood-based biomarkers for early and predictive diagnosis of neurodegenera- tive and stress-related disorders › Section Prediction in Psychiatry Chairs: Jens Wiltfang, Göttingen (Germany) Matthias Riemenschneider, Homburg (Germany) 001 Blood abeta peptide signature for early and predictive diagnosis of Alzhei- mer dementia Jens Wiltfang, Göttingen (Germany) 002 Blood-based early diagnosis of amy- otrophic lateral sclerosis Markus Otto, Ulm (Germany) 003 Blood-based vulnerability, dis- ease and therapy outcome prediction biomarkers for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Ulrike Schmidt, Göttingen (Germany) 004 Brain derived biomarkers of neuro- nal damage for blood based diagnosis of early Alzheimer's dementia Nicholas Ashton, Gothenburg (Sweden) Henrik Zetterberg S-223 (e) Symposium 08:30– 10:00 h | Room M2 TOPIC 12: Epidemiology, risk factors and cross-disorder mechanisms Psychiatric diseases –how are they per- ceived in different cultures? A report of four studies from Germany and Kenya Chairs: Andreas Heinz, Berlin (Germany) Iris Hauth, Berlin (Germany) 001 Explanatory models of Kenyan patients with psychotic symptoms Lara Lechner, Berlin (Germany) 002 Factors affecting perception of men- tal illness among German psychiatric patients Esther Munyua, Nairobi (Kenya) 003 Qualitative study about the explana- tory models of patients with depression in Kenya and Germany Svenja Schwichtenberg, Berlin (Germany) 004 A servey on the perception of psychiatric symptoms among psychiatric patients in a german public hospital Beatrice Mwangi, Nairobi (Kenya)
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